矮人狙击手:Kardel Sharpeye,Sniper
"Locked and loaded." 上膛完毕!
"Ok." 好的
"I'll take care of it." 我会处理的
"Time to go." 时间到!出发!
"Aye." 恩~ ATTACK: 攻击语音
"Fire!" 开火!
"I've got the beast in my sight." 那些野兽进入我的视野了!
"Take that, ya sod." 吃我一枪!
"Shoot to kill!" 枪毙!
"For Ironforge!" 为了铁炉堡!
炼金术士:Razzil Darkbrew
Respawn: 出生语音
Ready to brew. 准备做药
Move 移动语音
You got it." 你说的对
I get that mixed up." 我会弄好的
Don't rush me." 不要催我
I'll shake that right up." 现在就做
Attack 攻击语音
For the highest bidder!.. 为了出价最高的人!
Taste my firery poti 尝尝我的爆炸药水!
Hurry, I got things to blow up. 快点! 我要去炸东西了!
What is it now?" 现在要做什么?
"I grow tired of waiting." 我已经等烦了
"Insufferable mount." 这衣服真让人难受
"I have better things to do." 切.. 我不如找点别的事做
"Dreadlords, do it in the dark." 恐惧魔王~ 坏事做尽(疑似改编歌词)
"I get cranky when I haven't been fed." 找不到的食物的时候 我总是很暴躁
"I must feast on souls." 欢迎参加这场灵魂的盛宴(来吧 狂欢致死吧!-- 金度飘过……)
"The legion needs...a better dental plan, these fangs are killing me." 军团应该有些更好的…… 牙科保健计划, 我的牙快疼死了
"Darkness needs to get DSL, his line is always busy." 黑暗(人名)应该去搞根DSL,他的电话老占线
"For now." 就这样了先
"I'll play along." 我自己来
"Very subtle." 够狡猾
"Heh, famine work." (好像他很饿的样子)
"Die fool!" 死吧!傻X
"I must feed." 你是我的食物! "
Your life will sustain me!" 我要用你的生命来延续我的生命
Speak fool 赶紧说.白痴.
No one orders me around 没人能在我面前指手画脚
Tread lightly 慢慢的走过来(假设你正在晋见他..)
What is it now 又怎么了?
I was a fool to trust in the light
The lich king has given me true power 巫妖王给了我真正的力量
I'll be twice the king my father ever was 我将两次为王,父亲不算什么
Loderan will be reborn 洛丹伦将会获得重生!
Who is this,darkness anyway. 这是谁?反正在我眼里他们都是黑乎乎的
Finally 你到底拿定主意了.
Ah, at last 同上
Frostmourn hungers 霜之哀伤很饥饿
This is more like it 这才对么
For the lich king 为了巫妖王!
Fate was covered 你的命运一片黑暗!
Your pain should be .. legendary 你的痛苦.. 将会载入史册
I'll make sure you suffer 我肯定会让你吃点苦头的
Now! Frostmourn 尝尝霜之哀伤!