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发表于 2006-1-14 13:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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國家圖書館索書號:                系統編號: 82NCPES421003
     研究生:        陳安寶        Chen, An-Pao
        (以研究生姓名查詢國家圖書館索書號 ,未查獲者表國圖尚未典藏)
        (連結至全國圖書聯合目錄)         (連結至政大圖書館館藏目錄)
    論文名稱:        我國劍道不同段位選手面部進擊與退擊動作之生物力學分析
    論文名稱:        The Biomechanical Analysis of Men Uchi and Hikimen by
        Kendo Players in Different Stages in Taiwan
    指導教授:        洪得明        Hong, Der-Ming
    學位類別:        碩士
    校院名稱:        國立體育學院
    系所名稱:        運動科學研究所
      學號:        800031
     學年度:        82
     語文別:        中文
    論文頁數:        75
     關鍵字:        面部打擊;面部退擊;中段架式        Men Uchi;Hikimen;KAMAE
受試者,高段組5人為現役選手,低段組4 人為台北體專劍道專長學生。
以 T-test 及皮爾遜積差相關檢驗各變項的差異資料,其統計分析比較顯
著水準定為 0.05 。依據本研究之結果與討論,獲得結論如下: 1.地面
、前後平均力,進擊明顯大於退擊。 2.地面反作用力三方向(Fx,Fy,Fz
。 4.竹劍揮振的角度與體角,退擊動作明顯大於進擊動作;重心位移、
@ 重心速度,進擊大於退擊。高段組在竹劍揮振角度及重心速度最大值,
較低段組小,體角明顯大於低段組。 5.打擊動作時間,進擊平均時間
0.89 秒,退擊平均時間 0.93 秒,進擊與退擊時間相差約 0.05 秒,未
達顯著差異。高與低段組之間未達顯著差異。 6.撞擊力量,退擊平均撞
擊力量約 74kg,進擊平均撞擊力量約 61kg,進擊與退擊撞擊力量相差
約 13kg,未達顯著差異。高段組與低段組之間未達顯著差異。
The purpose of this study was to compare and analyze the
reactions on the ground as a product of Men uchi and Hikimen of
the Kendo players in different stages as well as the difference
between the kinematic data and impacts. A total of 9 Kendo
players are involved in the test of them 5 of advanced teat are
active players while the other 4 are Kendo students from the
Taipei Physical Education College majoring in Kendo As of the
ground reaction, the kinematics and impact meter data are
matched by T-test and Pierson difference to highlight the
difference of the variables and those remarkable statistical
analysis are set as 0.05. Based on the outcome and the
discussions of this study, we have reached the following
conclusions: 1. In term of maximum figure, front-rear maximum
figure, vertical momentum, front-rear momentum, vertical
average force, front-rear average froce of the ground reaction,
those involved in Men uchi lead those in Hikimen. 2. With
respect to the ground reaction time, the Men uchi show shorter
timings than the Hikimen while the that of advanced players
becomes shorter than that of the lower sections. 3. The bamboo
spade enjoys a wider playing angle and body angle in Hikimen
than in Men uchi and in term of gravity shift, gravity speed,
those involved in Men uchi go beyond those in Hikimen. The
advanced sections shows a lower maximum figure of bamboo
playing angle and gravity speed than that of the lower section
while the body angle goes over that of the lower section. 4.
The average time in offensive actions figures for Men uchi goes
at 0.89 second and the average time for Hikimen goes at 0.93
second, showing a difference of 0.05 second, which is not a
remarkable one between the players of two sections. 5.
Concerning the impact force, the average weight in Hikimen goes
at 74kg and 61kg in Men uchi, the difference of 13kg is not a
remarkable figure and no highlighted difference is shown
between the advanced and lower sections.

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