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[量产刀] 给大家看一个资料..懒的翻译了,



发表于 2006-2-21 12:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
给大家看一个资料..懒的翻译了, 在说可能翻译的也不好,,

出处请看连接: http://www.physics.mun.ca/~sstamp/knives/edge_testing_II.html

http://search.yahoo.com/search?p ... p;cop=&ei=UTF-8
Cutting performance and edge holding ability of AUS-8, VG-10, D2, and CPM-10V


The following knives were used to cut a variety of materials and their performance recorded :

specifications Model Steel RC Blade Bevel
length width thickness angle
cm cm degrees
Spyderco Bill Moran VG-10 60-62 8.5  2.7 0.085 20
Mel Sorg utility Hunter D2 62 10.0 2.3  0.060 17
Phil Wilson utility Hunter CPM-10V 62.5 10.0 2.4 0.025 15
Spyderco Calypso Jr. AUS-8 58-59 6.2 2.7  0.055 20

The blade stock was 1/8" thick for all knives except for the Mel Sorg utility hunter which was ground from 3/32" .

What was cut and how
The sharpness of the blades was measured by slicing through a roll of heavy fabric and averaging the performance of three cuts. This was with the done after each of the four rounds of stock cutting.

Round one :
5 cuts on 1/4 hard poly rope
5 cuts on 8" of 1/8" cardboard
5 six inch long slices into pine

Round two (the same) :
5 cuts on 1/4 hard poly rope
5 cuts on 8" of 1/8" cardboard
5 six inch long slices into pine

Round three :
5 cuts on 1/4 hard poly rope
10 cuts on 8" of 1/8" cardboard
10 six inch long slices into pine

Round four :
5 cuts on 1/4 hard poly rope
20 cuts on 8" of 1/8" cardboard
20 six inch long slices into pine
The materials being cut were used and were lightly cleaned of dust and debris before the cutting. The rope was cut by pulling through a loop, push cuts were used through wood and cardboard. The wear was concentrated on one portion of the blade just in front of the handle. The fabric was sliced using the full length of the knife.

How the blades responded on the fabric
The following table shows the extend of blunting as indicated by the performance on the fabric after each round :

Edge length required to cut the rolls of fabric Steel Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4
CPM-10V   35   20   45   70
D2   45   20   55 210
VG-10   68   36 111 243
AUS-8 316 298 633 N/A

Due to some shortsightedness, the rolls of fabric used to test the sharpness were not the same size in every round, and thus the rate of edge wear needs to be examined from how the performance of the blades changes relative to each other.

In short; the AUS-8A blade falls behind the others significantly after round one, the VG-10 blade is also clearly behind but to a lesser extend, and it takes the full four rounds before the D2 blade can no longer stay with the CPM-10V blade. The AUS-8a blade simply could not cut the fabric after round four.

UPDATE : note how the rate of blunting isn't linear, the blades don't lose their sharpness at a constant rate. For example the D2 knife is very close to the CPM-10V one on rounds one through three, but suddenly in round four it is taking three times as much blade length, showing a large drop in relative sharpness. As as been shown in detail in more detailed recent comparisons blunting is strongly nonlinear [ref].

A quick and dirty viewpoint
As the blades started to wear in the later rounds and the blade length required for the fabric cutting grew, a few simple tests of sharpness were also performed to see how readily the blunting could be detected with less numerical means. The blades were checked to see how well they could shave and slice a sheet of paper. The results :

further tests of sharpness Steel Round 3 Round 4
Shaving Paper slicing Shaving Paper slicing
CPM-10V high
D2 high medium
VG-10 medium high none
AUS-8 none

This table clearly shows very clearly the distinction between the knives, and in retrospect would have been valuable to do from the start. While there is a lot of judgement used in such tests, they are quick and easy checks to do and give solid information about sharpness.

The extent of the blunting could also be determined in a very qualitative way by noting the behavior of the knives during the cutting. As the edges started to roll and wear, the push cuts degenerated into slices as the blades slipped along the material. The aus-8a knife exhibited this trend quickly while the VG-10 blade held up well until the third round. The D2 blade showed little loss of aggression the fourth round, where more of a slice was needed. The CPM-10V blade showed no detectable loss of aggression throughout.

UPDATE : this was one of the earlier edge retention comparisons performed, back in 1999. It has a few problems mainly the consistency of the force applied during the fabric cutting. As well the initial performance of the knives should have been recorded to insure that all were at the same level of sharpness from the start. Further the sharpness checks should have been confined to the same section of blade used to do the stock cutting. As well details on the grit finish used would have been informative.

The knives were sharpened as a further check for blade wear and overall extent of blunting :

ten strokes on a smooth steel (little effect)
ten on an 800 grit ceramic rod
five strokes on a canvas strop and 5 on the leather
five strokes on the smooth steel (almost back to normal)
five on the 800 grit ceramic rod
one stroke on the steel
one of the ceramic rod

It is clear that the blades which suffered the least blunting were also the quickest to sharpen, with one exception :
ten hard strokes into a butchers steel (75% on paper, 25% shaving)
five strokes on the ceramic rod
Because the AUS-8A blade is that soft it can be readily filed, it sharpens very quickly with a butcher steel which acts as a fine file and allows it to be restored faster than the VG-10 knife. However it is still slower to restore than D2 and CPM-10V blade.

In summary, there is a clear performance difference in the steels tested in regards to edge retention on soft materials. The performance was as expected with D2 only being second to CPM-10V which was seemingly unaffected by the cutting even though it had the thinnest edge and smallest included angle in its bevel. It should be noted though that of course you have to pay for this performance increase. VG-10 stock is more expensive than aus-8a and it is harder to work .

You can comment on this write-up by dropping me an email : sstamp@physics.mun.ca or by posting in the following thread on Bladeforums :

[ 本帖最后由 court0 于 2006-2-21 17:18 编辑 ]


发表于 2006-2-21 12:59 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2006-2-21 13:02 | 显示全部楼层


The cutting ability and edge holding performance of Talonite at a coarse finish vs D2 at a fine finish


This is a continuation work done comparing the edge retention of Talonite to steel at a high polish [ref] and medium finish [ref]. The same method was used to induce blunting and measure sharpness.

For this comparison, the Talonite blade was left with a very coarse finish, the 100 grit hone from the Edge Pro Apex. The knife was sharpened to 20 degrees per side and then micro-beveled lightly at 25 degrees on the 100 grit waterstone.

The custom D2 blade by Mel Sorg was left at a high polish, the 2000 grit polishing tape on the Edge Pro Apex. The edge is ground at ten degrees per side, the blade is 0.020" thick behind the bevel.

As the Talonite blade did very poorly in comparison to the CPM-10V blade when both were at a high polish [ref] , the Talonite was left coarse here to see if it fared any better.

The cutting was stopped after 2000 cm of cardboard as the Talonite blade was no longer able to cut the cardboard and was just ripping it. The performance on thread :

Edge deformation shown by force needed to cut string Blade Initial Round 1 Round 2
D2 160 +/- 14 299 +/- 25 375 +/- 35
Talonite 366 +/- 15 584 +/- 27 695 +/- 37

and on denim :

Loss of edge bite shown by number of strokes needed to cut a roll of denim Blade Initial Round 1 Round 2
D2 1.3 +/- 0.1 2.1 +/- 0.2 2.6 +/- 0.1
Talonite 2.2 +/- 0.1 6.5 +/- 0.2 8.6 +/- 0.5

In short, leaving the Talonite at a rough finish didn't help its performance. It was still far outperformed by a quality steel in regards to edge holding, both in keeping a crisp edge and even more so in regards to keeping an aggressive edge. The loss of aggression was very large for the Talonite blade which was assumed to be due to excessive fracture of the micro-teeth. To check, the edge was steeled and the denim cutting repeated. No significant gain in performance was noted. The edge had to be recut using ten strokes on a fine DMT 12" rod, which restored the slicing ability back to near optimal, it now required about two strokes to cut the fabric.

UPDATE : as noted in the comparison vs CPM-10V at a high polish [ref ], methods have been significantly updated in the years in which this review was written.

Overview of Talonite
The work comparing the Talonite to CPM-10V, VG-10 and D2 has been summarized in the review of the Talonite MEUK.

Comment can be sent to : sstamp@physics.mun.ca and seen in the following ARCHIVED thread on Bladeforums :


发表于 2006-2-21 13:45 | 显示全部楼层




发表于 2006-2-21 17:47 | 显示全部楼层


  • TA的每日心情
    2016-9-22 10:05
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    发表于 2006-2-21 18:36 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2017-3-13 15:45
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    发表于 2006-2-21 22:50 | 显示全部楼层


     楼主| 发表于 2006-2-22 10:09 | 显示全部楼层


    简单的说就是经过测试.在保持性方面D2是比VG10 AUS8要强不少,但在持续使用方面的保持性能就逊色于CPM-10V..
    CPM10V 太强了,就是不知道价格如何,估计会很贵


    发表于 2006-2-23 22:47 | 显示全部楼层




    发表于 2006-2-24 21:36 | 显示全部楼层


    关于这个测试,我早先也看过.  这个测试,让人总体感觉"不到位".

    从成分与CPM公司进行的测试来看, 10V是CPM公司目前"耐磨性能"最好的制刀钢.


    3V钢的基准成分为(百分点值): 0.8的碳,7.5的铬,1.3的钼,2.75的钒;


    在"静态"切割过程中,10V刀子的刃口保持性是3V保持性的3.5倍,而这方面,3V又为D2的1.5倍. (注意:是静态切割.)

    然而,与3V相比,10V制成的刀具的韧性(比如抗快应力和慢应力方面)则只有3V性能的四分之一,这方面10V与D2大致(完全)相同. 亦即,与3V相比,10V和D2几乎一样脆.(当然,这个脆只是相对的,并不是说D2绝对脆.)











    发表于 2006-2-26 22:49 | 显示全部楼层
    是ZDPZ189做到67  D2做60还是相同硬度???
    那么直刀是3V好,折刀用其他的2种,况且3V好象court0 版主有一个很强的测试证明直刀用3V的确很好
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