本帖最后由 Gunsheep 于 2013-9-7 18:40 编辑
译者按:一次和朋友吹牛,同样两个人,一个练日本忍者镖,一个练中国飞刀,各练十分钟,对K,如何如何。突然有人说:…… 于是就有了这篇。
在西方国家有一个很常见的误解,认为弹道刀是为俄国特种部队设计的。但是,这种刀在俄国内务特种部队中就从没装备或使用过。俄国内务特种部队用过的最接近的武器是NRS-2匕首枪,这把匕首的刀柄内藏有一把手枪。所有俄国产的弹道刀都是给罪犯用的,质量平平。在1985年前,美国的《霰弹枪新闻》、《佣兵》和其他杂志开始刊登贩卖弹簧动力弹道刀的广告。 弹簧动力弹道刀理论上,可以把刀刃以63km/h(39mph)的速度发射出去,有效射程5米(16尺)。使用压缩气体的弹道刀可以更给力一点,也不怕弹簧老化。但是,大多数弹道刀的刀刃都没有任何自转或者气动稳定设计,飞过很短的距离后往往就会开始乱滚。虽然弹道刀比飞刀容易学习,但释放弹簧产生的震动和瞄准具的缺乏使得它并不准确,往往要靠近到几英尺的范围内,才能保证刀刃刺入目标的脆弱区域,造成致命伤害。不过现在的苏军步兵教范特别重视用飞刀作为致命武器,在稍远于肉搏距离的距离上(五六步)把无防备的敌人干掉或废掉。弹道刀看来很符合这种战术思想。 除了弹簧、压缩气体,弹道刀的刀刃也可能由火药驱动,例如用一发空包弹发射。 弹簧弹道刀,东欧产,1980年前后
在英国的合法性 现在的英国法律虽未明令禁止弹道刀或称矛刀,但是形同禁止,特别是,由于皇家检察官和警方有自由裁量权,他们可将任何攻击性有争议的刀具都认定为管制刀具。政府鼓励检察官尽可能以多条罪名起诉被告。此外,英国通常由城市警察而非律师来判断是否某把刀违反现有英国刀具法,并且这导致了一种倾向,即任何可判可不判的刀都成了管制刀具。 虽然“弹道刀”本身没有在任何法律中提及,但是根据《1959年限制攻击性武器法案》、《1997年刀具管理法》、《1988年刑事司法法》和《1953年预防犯罪法案》,营销、销售、转让和在公众场合持有弹道刀都犯法。 《1959年限制攻击性武器法案》规定,任何生产,销售,租赁,或者提供销售和租赁服务,以及租借、赠与任何人“任何可以通过用手按动刀柄上的按钮、簧片或其他器具,自动打开刀刃的刀具”都会被判刑。《1997年刀具管理法》禁止营销作为攻击武器的刀。《1988年刑事司法法》禁止在没有“恰当理由或法律授权”的情况下在公共场合携带有刃或尖锐物体。最后,《1953年预防犯罪法》禁止没有“法律授权或适当理由”在公共场合携带攻击性武器。在这个法案中,“任何被用于、或可以、或被拥有人意图用来伤害任何人的物体”都算“攻击性武器”。根据《预防犯罪法》,即使在《1988刑事司法法》中认定不受管制的刀具,只要官府认定是没有“法律授权或适当理由”的“攻击性武器”,同样被认为非法。 “法律授权”指的是有时为执行公务而需要携带武器的情况,例如警察或军人,不适用于草民。因此,草民被指控的时候,没法凭“法法授权”免除刑责。此外,因为弹道刀就是作为一种攻击性武器设计的,不是用于干活的工具,根据现有诉讼思路,很难在检察官或法庭面前证明有“合理理由”。在现有法律看来,被告若声称用来防身,就等于承认意图违背法律,把刀具用作“攻击性武器”——不管是用来防卫,还是在其他合理的场合下。 这个图很清晰地说明了弹道刀的结构。(来源:deviantart.net)
在美国的合法性 在一个证人莫须有地说弹道刀可以穿透警察穿的护甲,并作秀用弹道刀命中一个垫着木头的目标后,纽约州的议员阿丰司·达莫特发起了《弹道刀禁止法案》,禁止销售和拥有弹道刀。这议案最终黄了。但是,在南卡罗林那周的司多·特摩议员和亚利桑那州的丹尼斯·迪康西尼议员的支持下,整个议会都迅速倾向于禁止进口或持有弹道刀。1986年9月,在大家一致通过禁止在海外国家种植毒品作物和阻止国际毒品走私的法案的时候,倾向于禁止弹道刀的议员们成功夹带了私货。这个法案最终写进了法律。新的联邦法律禁止在州之间的贸易中进口或持有弹道刀。在联邦法律的榜样作用下,一些州迅速跟进,有些直接就在州内禁掉了。 和传统跳刀的情形一样,联邦法律禁止拥有、生产、销售、进口、或者在州之间流转弹簧动力的弹道刀。换言之,不可以从美国国外进口,在州之间买卖、或者为此制作或持有弹道刀。联邦法律还规定,如果在暴力犯罪中使用或拥有弹道刀,要单独判罪,至少蹲5年。联邦法律倒是不禁止在州的范围内拥有、制造或销售弹道刀,但是在州内拥有生产或销售弹道刀是否合法,还要看各州法律。很多州都有法律限制或禁止购买拥有弹道刀,处罚轻重不等。当然,就像美国跳刀法律一样,依照合同向王师销售弹道刀不犯法,兵爷们在执行任务时拿把弹道刀也没事。 使用火药驱动的弹道刀不受刀具法管辖,但还是没戏。根据《国家枪械法案》中的“任何其它武器”条款,它属于真铁。
在天朝的合法性 表想了,亲。
Ballistic knife
A ballistic knife is a knife with a detachable, self-propelled bladethat can be ejected to a distance of several meters by pressing a trigger or operatinga lever or switch on the handle. Spring-powered ballistic knives brieflygained notoriety in the United States in the mid-1980s after commercialexamples were marketed and sold in the United States and other Westerncountries. Since then, the marketing and/or sale of ballistic knives tocivilians has been restricted or prohibited by law in several countries.
Spring-powered ballistic knife of Eastern European origin, circa1980 There is a common but erroneous belief in the Western countries thatballistic knives were being developed for the Soviet Special Forces, however,such knives were never produced for nor used within spetsnaz units. The closestweapon to them is the NRS-2 knife with a built-in firearm in handle. Allballistic knives produced in the USSR were manufactured in makeshift conditionsfor the needs of criminals. By 1985, spring-powered ballistic knives were beingadvertised for sale in the United States in the Shotgun News, Soldier ofFortune, and other publications. In its spring-propelled form, the blade of a ballistic knife istheoretically capable of being fired to an effective range of around 5 meters(about 16 feet) at a speed of 63 km/h (39 mph). Ballistic knives usingcompressed air or gas propulsion to fire the blade can be made somewhat morepowerful, and do not suffer from spring fatigue over time. However, since theprojectile blade of most ballistic knives has no aerodynamic or gyroscopicstabilization, the blade frequently tumbles after traveling a short distance.While easier to learn than the skill of knife throwing, the jarring shockcaused by unleashing the expanding spring and a lack of a sighting mechanismcontributed to its inaccuracy, making it advisable to close to within a fewfeet to ensure the blade delivered a killing blow to a targeted and vulnerablearea of the body. Soviet training doctrine of the day emphasized the use of thethrown knife as a silent weapon, designed to kill or incapacitate anunsuspecting opponent at just beyond grappling distance (five to six paces);the ballistic knife appears to fit within that tactical doctrine. In addition to spring, air, or gas propulsion, the blade of aballistic knife may also be propelled by an explosive charge, such as a blankpistol cartridge. The legal status of ballistic knives or pilum knives is doubtfulunder current legislation in the United Kingdom, particularly given the degreeof discretion granted to Crown prosecutors and the police with regard toclassifying knives of an arguably offensive nature as prohibited items.Prosecutors are encouraged by the government to charge defendants under morethan one Act where applicable. Furthermore, in the UK it is customary forthe Metropolitan Police, not a barrister, to be consulted as legal experts on aquestion of whether a given knife is to be considered illegal under existing UKknife laws, and this has resulted in a tendency to interpret any bladed objectof questionable status as falling within the definition of a prohibited knife. Whilst "ballistic knives" are not specifically mentionedin any legislation, the marketing, sale, transfer, or possession in a publicplace of a ballistic knife could be construed to be illegal under theRestriction of Offensive Weapons Act 1959, the Knives Act 1997, the CriminalJustice Act 1988, and the Prevention of Crime Act 1953. The Restriction ofOffensive Weapons Act 1959 imposes criminal penalties for anyone whomanufactures, sells or hires, or offers for sale or hire, or lends or gives toany other person "any knife which has a blade which opens automatically byhand pressure applied to a button, spring or other device in or attached to thehandle of the knife." The Knives Act 1997 prohibits the marketing of knives as offensiveweapons, while the Criminal Justice Act 1988 prohibits the carrying of bladesor sharply pointed objects in a public place without "good reason orlawful authority". Finally, the Prevention of Crime Act 1953 prohibits thepossession in any public place of an offensive weapon without "lawfulauthority or reasonable excuse." The term "offensive weapon" isdefined under the Prevention of Crime Act 1953 as: "any article made oradapted for use to causing injury to the person, or intended by the personhaving it with him for such use". Under the Prevention of Crime Act,knives otherwise 'exempt' from penalty under the Criminal Justice Act 1988 whencarried for "good reason or lawful authority" may still be deemedillegal if authorities conclude the knife is being carried as an "offensiveweapon" without "lawful authority or reasonable excuse". 'Lawful authority’ means those occasions where people from time to time arerequired to carry weapons as a matter of governmental duty, such as policeofficers or members of the armed forces, not private persons, hence the 'lawfulauthority' language cannot be relied upon to establish an exemption fromprosecution of private individuals. Furthermore, as the ballistic knifewas originally designed as an offensive weapon, not as a tool intended for usein a trade or business, and given current prosecutorial directives, itmay be difficult to establish "reasonable excuse" for carrying such aknife before a UK prosecutor or court,especially as the carrying of a knifein public for self-defence is not acceptable as a "reasonableexcuse".In the eyes of the law, claims of self-protection arepresently viewed as an admission that the defendant intends to use the knife inviolation of the law as an "offensive weapon" - albeit in a defensivemanner, and in otherwise justifiable circumstances.
Legality in the USA History of legislation After hearing uncorroborated testimony from a congressional witnessthat ballistic knives could be used to defeat body armor typically worn bypolice officers, and witnessing a staged demonstration against a wood-backedtarget, Senator Alphonse D'Amato of New York introduced the Ballistic KnifeProhibition Act, a bill to ban sale or possession of ballistic knives. The billeventually failed. However, after gaining the support of Senators StromThurmond of South Carolina, and Dennis DeConcini of Arizona, congressionalsupport for a ban on import or possession of ballistic knives quickly gainedtraction. In September 1986 senators supporting the ballistic knife banattached their bill to popular legislation designed to eradicate drug crops inforeign countries and halt international drug trafficking operations. The billwas subsequently enacted into law. The new federal statute prohibited futureimportation or possession of such knives in interstate commerce. Someindividual states following the example set by the federal law and passed eventighter restrictions, sometimes banning ownership of the knives outright withintheir state. Current law Similar to conventional automatic knives, federal law makesballistic knives with a spring-operated blade[16] illegal to possess,manufacture, sell, or import "in or affecting interstatecommerce."This means they are illegal to import from outside the US,as well as buy or sell over state lines, including possessing or making themwith intent to sell over state lines. The federal law also makes it a separatecrime to use or possess a ballistic knife during the commission of a federalcrime of violence, with a minimum sentence of 5 years in a federal prison.Federal law does not prohibit the possession, manufacture, or sale of aballistic knife within a state's boundaries, and the individual laws of eachstate or territory must be consulted to determine whether possession,manufacture, or sale within a given state is legal (many states have statutesthat regulate or prohibit the acquisition and/or possession of ballistic knives,and penalties vary from state to state). Like the federal switchblade law, anexception is made for sale to the US Armed Forces within the confines of acontract, as well as possession by duly-authorized members of the Armed Forcesin performance of their duty. A ballistic knife with a blade propelled by an explosive chargefalls outside the federal law these knives, but is still restricted as thismakes it a firearm subject to the AOW (Any Other Weapons) category of the NFA.