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TA的每日心情 | 衰 2013-6-27 07:18 |
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楼主 |
发表于 2011-4-6 23:12
Research conducted at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden during the 1980s showed that, within the leg muscles of highly trained endurance men, the activity of enzymes that break down fats was 100 percent higher than in the untrained subjects. As a result, during exercise they had a much higher ability to regenerate the ATP that fuels muscular contraction than those who had a greater reliance on carbohydrates.
在瑞典的Karolinska 中心进行的研究显示,经过耐力训练的男子大腿肌肉中,其酵素分解脂肪的效率高于未经训练者的一倍。因此,这些酵素在运动时比主要 依赖醣代谢的酵素有较高的能力再生肌肉收缩所需的ATP。
These researchers found that the maximal oxygen consumption (or V.O2max) was 50 percent greater in the trained men. Maximal oxygen consumption measures aerobic capacity: the efficiency of the lungs to transfer oxygen to the blood, the capacity of the blood to carry oxygen, the power of the heart and blood vessels to deliver large quantities of blood to the muscles, and the ability of the muscles to use the oxygen. Fats cannot be burned without oxygen. Not only did these men have more enzymes to combust the fat, but they also had more oxygen to feed the fire.
这群研究者发现耐力训练过的人,他的最大耗氧量(V.O2max)也提高50%。最大耗氧量用来测量换氧能力: 包括肺的工作效率,血液的载氧量,心脏和血管的送血量和肌肉使用氧的能力。脂肪燃烧不能缺氧,这些经过耐力训练的人不仅有较多的 酵素燃烧脂肪,也有较多的氧气供应。
Researchers have since demonstrated that, after a 12-week six-day-per-week program of 45 minutes of running and cycling at a high intensity, fat combustion increased by 41 percent. This was accompanied by reduced reliance on carbohydrates.
The enzymes of fat metabolism are located in structures within the muscle cells called mitochondria. Fats are transported into the mitochondria where, in the presence of oxygen, they are broken down to generate energy. More mitochondria means more fat metabolism, more ATP, and more energy.
代谢脂肪的酵素存在于肌肉细胞里称为粒腺体的组织中,脂肪被传送进粒腺体中,只要有氧的存在便作用产生能量。愈多的粒腺体表示愈 多的脂肪的代谢,产生愈多的ATP就有愈多的能量。
High-volume training increases the amount and size of mitochondria. Longer exercise bouts produce the greatest gains in mitochondrial content. A 90-minute run provides a better stimulus than a 60-minute run. It is common for runners to do "two-a-day" workouts to get in the necessary mileage. However, this research indicates that a runner will receive much more benefit from running one 90-minute workout than two 45-minute workouts. There is, however, a point of diminishing returns. A three-hour run is better at nudging the mitochondria content upward than a 90-minute run, but the gains are offset by the necessity of a longer recovery time between workouts.
During the base phase of building miles, it is the daily consistency of training over a period of weeks and months that will boost fat metabolism.
After the base phase and basic fat metabolism have been established, training time should be shifted into very prolonged runs of three or more hours, depending on your event. Very long runs are important in preparation for the marathon and longer events. After two to three hours of running, the leg muscles run low on glycogen. Hormonal adjustments to the low glycogen levels shift fat metabolism into an even higher gear.
Miles may make champions, but those miles should be carefully developed, monitored, and arranged to get the maximum effect. In his buildup program, Lydiard recommends alternating longer 90-minute to two-hour runs with 60-minute runs on other days, aiming for a total of 10 to 11 hours of weekly running.
Give yourself plenty of time to build up to these levels. Jon Sinclair, former world-class runner turned coach, cautions that it is not practical or even possible for most people with full-time jobs and families to build up to running 10 hours per week in a mere three months. The amount of mileage you will be able to run depends on your lifestyle, physical capabilities, and prior training history. He advises his less-experienced athletes to build up mileage over a period of many months or even years. His associate, Kent Oglesby, took four years to prepare a 3:15 marathoner for the rigors of running 100 miles per week. The result was a 2:46 marathon, which earned her a spot at the U.S. Olympic Marathon Trials.
给自己充份的时间达到这样的水准。Jon Sinclair,前世界顶尖跑者现转任教练,指出要大多数的上班族及有家庭的人做到3个月每周累积10 小时的里程数是不实际甚至不可能。每个人能跑的里程数要视生活型态、生理的负荷及先前训练的情况而定。他建议较没经验的跑者多用 几个月或几年来建立个人的里程数。他的副手Kent Oglesby用4年时间累进至每周100英哩的严格训练来准备挑战3:15的马拉松。比赛结果2小时46分使她成为美国奥运选拻赛的焦点。 |