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TA的每日心情 | 无聊 2013-6-27 00:05 |
签到天数: 3 天 [LV.2]偶尔看看I

楼主 |
发表于 2013-3-16 08:51
本帖最后由 gavin_fish 于 2013-3-16 09:11 编辑
……I am not an engineer so I can't give you any formulas on how much stress is placed on the lock versus the pivot. I can tell you we have never had any problems with locks failing. Halpern Titanium has consulted on that knife, specifically the handle and had no issues with the lock. Halpern builds and consults for many of the big names in the knife business and would know if there was a problem. In a perfect world you would have a triangle between the lock, pivot and the stop pin but you can't always fit everything in and have the knife look and or work like you want it to. The guy from the forum may not be wrong. The knife might be stronger if some components were moved around but at what expense and what compromises are we willing to make in ergos and style. All folders are going to have weak spots around the center pivot it is just the nature of the beast. You are giving up the strength of a fixed blade for the ease and comfort of a folding knife. How frequently are you, your friend from the forum or myself puncturing something so rigid or hard that it would cause the lock to fail. Almost never would be my answer so I would not lose any sleep over it. I hope that helps. Let me now if you need anything else.
Be safe,
大意是:首先,他们从来没有在使用者那里得到任何锁定失效的反馈。其次,为这个刀制作钛合金部分的Halpern Titanium也从没在任何他制作的钛合金锁定上碰到过这类问题。当然,他说就一把完美的折刀而言,锁定、主轴和止刀柱之间应该形成一个三角形,但是你不可能指望所有东西都能够完美的组合在一起。如果你对这些位置做出一定的调整,刀具或许会更加坚固,但是这需要面对的是更加昂贵以及我们需要在风格上作出一定的妥协。所有折刀都会在主轴及周边的设计上存在一定的薄弱点,但是这就是这种工具天然的特性。你放弃了知道的坚固,而是选择了折刀的方便和舒适。(正如楼上的朋友所说)你会有多频繁地在极端条件下使用穿刺的功能而致使锁定失效呢?……
谢谢! |