使用者是USN里的Samuel J, 用的刀是DDC SMF (60 nitinol PM),13号。新刀的图片我也找到了。
他的评价是“I would say that edge retention is a bit better than S30V but harder to put back on if I get it too dull (I like mine super sharp). Maintenence is pretty much a non issue with it, first it's a Strider and then the NiTiNOL is pretty much rust proof. ”
接下来有人提出一个问题我也很感兴趣,这里引用一下: “Have you experienced any unexpected edge behavior, like chipping or rolling? Does it sharpen like Ti (kind of squishy and smeary) or like very wear-resistant steel (say, S90V)? What kind of sharpener are you using?”
Samuel J的回答是 “It doesn't feel smeary or squishy at all. No chipping or rolling. I only have CPM D-2 and S30V to compare it to but it feels very similar to those steels when I sharpen it. I use a Spiderco Sharpsmaker.”
值得期待的是Duane正在和坩锅做测试,其中包括保持性,防锈性,强度等,具体结果快就出来了,但是我个人觉得Duane自己也知道个大概结果,最能让他骄傲的就是防锈性了。我相信SJ的测评,所以接下来我就等着看看关于强度的报告了。不过老实说,对于折刀,强度不重要。目前位置60nitinol还只能做折刀,因为坩锅的磨具有限,现在生产的板材大小和SMF的刃大小相当,这也是为什么没有60 nitinol SnG和XL的原因.
“Last time I spoke in depth with Duane about the NiTiNOL he said they currently were lab testing it's edge retention, corrosion resistance, sheer force, etc but he said that testing took some time to do. He did say that the corrosion resistance test was amazing.”