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TA的每日心情 | 开心 2014-8-13 22:20 |
签到天数: 4 天 [LV.2]偶尔看看I
Allen Elishewitz has been a young man in a hurry.艾伦Elishewitz一直在赶一个年轻人。 I first ran into him at a show in the mid-nineties—it couldn't have been much after he got out of the Marine Corps in 1995.我第一次在他跑在九十年代中期表明,它可能不会有太多后,他得到了海军陆战队在1995年。 By then he'd already been recognized: “Best Utility Knife” award at the 1992 Lone Star Knife Show in Dallas, youngest maker accepted into the American Knifemakers Guild in 1994 (he's currently on the Guild's Board of Directors), and the Beretta award at the 1995 Guild Show.那时他已经被确认:“最佳美工刀”在1992年龙星刀展在达拉斯奖,年龄最小者接纳进入美国Knifemakers协会于1994年(他目前在协会的董事局)和贝雷塔奖在1995年协会展。
He was in the first wave of tactical knife makers, a focus that he maintains today.他在战术刀生产商第一次浪潮,一个焦点,他认为今天。 He'd been ** knives since 1988 and for several years before meeting him I'd been hearing his name as one of the real comers in the business.他已经使1988年以来和他见面之前,我一直在听,作为企业的实际来者之一他的名字几年刀。 I'd even heard men much older credit him with teaching them a great deal.我什至听到男人老得多信贷教他们一个很大的他。 He certainly had the background for it: decades of martial arts experience in several arts, and a team leader as a Recon Marine.他当然有它的背景:武术在几十年的艺术经验,以及作为一个海洋侦察队长。 In addition, he has a fine arts degree, having been trained in various art forms from a young age, including acid etching, printing, drawing, painting, architectural drafting, guilloche work and enameling.此外,他有一个艺术硕士,曾在年轻时从各种艺术形式,包括酸腐蚀,印刷,素描,绘画,建筑制图,扭索饰工作和搪瓷培训。 In 1985 he won the first place at the Asian Art Fair in Singapore and he was the first knife maker to introduce the lost art of guilloche to the cutlery world. 1985年,他荣获新加坡举行的亚洲艺术博览会第一位,他是第一个刀制造商推出的扭索饰失传的艺术世界的餐具。

作者:EX01铝框版本拆开。 You can see the innovative button bushing and the precision machining on all the mated parts.你可以看到创新的按钮套管和交配的所有部件的精密加工。
All that makes Allen a pretty rare breed in knife** circles: a Recon Marine who's won art competitions; a martial artist who's also a fine artist.所有这一切使得艾伦在knife**界相当罕见品种:一侦察海洋谁的艺术赢得了比赛,一个武术家谁也是一个很好的艺术家。 That combination of skills and the drive to go with them has propelled Allen to the top tier of his profession, and his knives continue to impress.这种驱动器的技能和他们一起去相结合,推动艾伦顶端他的职业层次,他的刀继续留下深刻的印象。
图片和资料来自:http://www.tactical-life.com/onl ... z-ex-treme-folders/ |