这是我错过的一把Ray Cover老师傅的口袋刀,它就符合我上面的感受。看起来多么平和简单的一把口袋刀,一点不引人注目,却比那些用料奢华嵌金错银精雕细刻价值千金只堪收藏的工艺品更耐赏玩。
Ray Cover Sr.,老一辈口袋刀匠的大师级名家,做了几十年刀子。儿子(Jr.)、女儿都是著名雕刻师,他的一些作品也曾被儿女施以雕工,但只有那些素面作品才真正体现了这位大师的纯正味道。
Ray Cover is best known for his flawless design and execution of the slip-joint folding knife. His fit and finish, no matter what he crafts, is perfect. He is a master knifemaker who's work is highly regarded, and coveted by collectors.
This slip-joint canoe shaped folding knife ... The blade is made from 154CM stainless steel with a satin finish, and the front and rear bolsters are nickel silver. The knife features a half-stop, filework along the spine of the blade, and dovetailed bolsters. The forward nail nick has a firm yet smooth pull, and the blade has that great "snap" that accompanies all of Ray's folders. The blade lock-up is tight with no play, and it is aligned in the handle..