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[量产刀] ABS协会的历史——ABS官网摘文浅译

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    2020-3-3 00:03
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    发表于 2020-3-29 21:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    本帖最后由 毒九 于 2020-3-30 06:11 编辑



    这篇是至今还在管理层的创始人B.R. Hughes的文章。原文链接



    The History of the American Bladesmith Society

    The American Bladesmith Society owes a tremendous debt of gratitude to the late W. F. “Bill” Moran.
    美国锻刀师协会(ABS)欠已故的Bill. Moran巨大的感激之情。

    Without Bill there would be no ABS, no School of Bladesmithing, no ABS Hall of Fame and Museum, and in all probability, the art of the forged blade would not be alive today.

    The seeds of the Society were sown at the 1972 Guild Show in Kansas City. Moran had been elected chairman of the organization, which is what they called the president in those days. He and I were chatting and he explained to me his dream of creating a group whose sole purpose would be the preservation and advancement of the forged blade. At that time, there were less than a dozen practicing bladesmiths in America, and this number was decreasing, not increasing, although the number of stock removal knifemakers was climbing dramatically.
    ABS的种子是在1972年,堪萨斯城的刀匠公会(Knifemaker’s Guild,也译作美国刀匠协会,是美国另一大刀匠组织,以磨除派刀匠为主)刀展上播下的。

    I know now that Bill had already made a few knives with hammer-welded Damascus blades, and I have been privileged to inspect the first such knife he ever made, but that didn’t occur until after his death February 12, 2006. However, at the 1973 Guild Show, also in Kansas City, Moran stepped down as chairman and at the same time he unveiled eight knives possessing Damascus blades. They were the talk of the show! Few people really understood their nature, but Bill handed out mimeographed sheets explaining not only what Damascus steel was, but basically how to make it! There was no charge for this sheet; Bill gave them away.
    这单子是免费发放的(什么是伟人胸怀?这就是。以他在Knifemaker`s Guild的地位,注册专利搞独家产品,对个人的名利是最高效、有利的)。

    Permit me a side trip at this juncture. From time to time, I hear others claim to have made Damascus blades prior to Moran. Now, virtually everyone who was anyone in the world of knives was in Kansas City for the 1973 Guild show. All the big names were there, including Tommy Bish, Ken Warner, and John Wootters. None of these worthies questioned the fact that Bill was the first American to successfully turn out Damascus blades in the 20th century.
    所有那些有名的人,包括Tommy Bish, Ken Warner,还有 John Wootters. 没有一个对这一事实——Moran是二十世纪第一个成功制作大马刀具的美国人——提出质疑。

    Now, back to the story of the ABS.

    Moran’s reintroduction of Damascus steel gave bladesmithing a much needed shot in the arm. It was impossible to produce Damascus if one were not a smith, and immediately a number of knifemakers became interested in learning the art of the forged blade. It would have been virtually impossible for the ABS to have succeeded had not Damascus steel reentered the picture, courtesy of Bill Moran.

    Others followed in his footsteps. A few months after the Guild Show, Bill Bagwell, a Vivian, LA smith, turned out his first Damascus blade, and a few months later, Don Hastings, a Palestine, TX smith, duplicated the feat. I cannot prove it, but I believe that Michael Connor, a Winters, TX, smith and protégé of Hastings’, was the fourth American smith to make Damascus, and the late Sid Birt, Nashville, IN was the fifth.
    其他人追随他的脚步。刀匠公会刀展之后几个月,Bill Bagwell,路易斯安那Vivian的刀匠,锻造出了他的第一把大马刀。
    再几个月之后,Don Hastings,德克萨斯Palestine的刀匠,复制了这个成就。
    我不能证明,但是我相信Michael Connor,德克萨斯Winters的刀匠,也是Don Hastings的学徒,是第四个锻造大马刀的美国人。
    晚一些是第五名,印第安纳Nashville的Sid Birt。


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    云月天 + 1 感谢分享,硬科普!


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    2020-3-3 00:03
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     楼主| 发表于 2020-3-29 21:11 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 毒九 于 2020-3-30 03:35 编辑

    The 1976 Guild Show was held in Dallas. After the show, Bagwell invited Moran to visit him at his North Louisiana shop, and this offer was accepted. Bagwell then invited Hastings to attend the get-together, and at the same time, he invited me, as a knife writer, to come and share the fun. Also present was the late Bill Jordan, a noted g·u·n writer who lived in nearby Shreveport at the time and was “G.u.ns” Shooting Editor. During the day, the three bladesmiths forged a blade in Bagwell’s shop, heat-treated it, and rough finished it. Next they tested it, and Jordan could scarcely believe his eyes! A bit later, he published an article on the virtues of the forged blade which was reprinted with permission in the eighth issue of “The ABS Journal”.
    在场的还有已故的Bill Jordan,一位著名的木·仓支评论作家。他当时住在附近的Shreveport,是《G.U.N.S》杂志的射击编辑。
    几个做刀的一起忽悠了个玩木· 仓的,小试牛刀。这几个老哥们后来忽悠了一个大市场出来

    After Jordan left, the four of us talked, and Bill Moran mused again of the need for an organization that might serve to preserve the forged blade. It was at this point that Moran said to me, “Bill, if we play our cards right, one of these days we could have 25 members!” I admired Bill’s enthusiasm, but I privately thought that the most we could hope for might be a dozen or so advocates. When we returned to our respective homes, we continued to work on the concept. We communicated by U. S. Mail and a couple of conference calls, which were paid for by Moran. Email would have expedited the process, but, unfortunately, it was not available at the time. Finally we though we were ready. On December 4, 1976, Moran flew into the Shreveport airport, where Bagwell, Hastings, and I joined him in that facility’s coffee shop. We had a pretty good grip on what we wanted, and we drew up the bylaws on a lined notebook. Moran was elected president, Hastings treasurer, Bagwell secretary, and I became the first director.
    Jordan离开以后,Bill Moran又念叨起需要一个组织来维持锻造刀具行业的事。
    终于我们准备好了,于是在1976年12月4号,Moran飞到Shreveport机场, Bagwell, Hastings和我就在机场的咖啡店和他会合。

    We grew slowly. In 1977 we added the late Jimmy Lile to our board as a director. Jimmy was a past president of the Guild, and he served as a liaison officer with that group. Somehow, a rumor started that we were in competition with the Guild, and nothing could have been further from the truth. We all thought the Guild was a grand idea, but we wanted to preserve the forged blade. It was that simple.
    我们慢慢地发展。1977年,已故的Jimmy Lile加入董事会,成为董事。
    Jimmy是刀匠公会的前主· 席,那时他是刀匠公会的联络官。

    It should be noted that awarding journeyman and master stamps was not a part of our original bylaws. This was added later, and at the New York knife show in 1981, the first master bladesmith ratings were awarded to, in alphabetical order: Bill Bagwell, Jimmy Fikes, Don Fogg,  Don Hastings, Bill Moran, and James Schmidt. As a sidelight, Moran felt that if he could get a celebrity to make the presentations, it might create a little interest. Deborah Harry, the rock star, was at the show with her husband, who was a knife buff. Ms. Harry was kind enough to award the stamps, and, as the crowd had been advised that this was going to take place, it created considerable interest. I have always doubted that Moran knew who “Blondie” might have been, since the attractive lady who handed him his stamp looked nothing like Dagwood Bumstead’s wife!
    最早的MS评选并颁发给——按字母顺序排列——Bill Bagwell, Jimmy Fikes, Don Fogg,  Don Hastings, Bill Moran, and James Schmidt(哥布林折刀创始人
    摇滚明星Deborah Harry的老公是个刀友,他们夫妻恰好也在展会上。Deborah Harry很乐意颁发获奖钢印。
    我一直怀疑Moran是否知道给他颁奖的那个魅力女士是谁,因为这个“Blondie”(意为金发碧眼的女郎,引号内大概是Moran描述Deborah的原话)看上去和Dagwood Bumstead(美国著名漫画人物,老婆是个Blondie)的老婆一点都不一样!(莫兰基因里有优秀商人和政客的部分,事实一再验证他的市场判断力、营销思路和煽动力。
    In 1984, Bagwell resigned his master’s stamp and his post on the board.

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    2020-3-3 00:03
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     楼主| 发表于 2020-3-29 21:12 | 显示全部楼层
    In approximately 1985, the ABS, in conjunction with the University of Wyoming, held its first hammer-in at Dubois Lakes, WY. The two Bills and Don comprised the faculty, and while the venture proved successful in the board’s eyes, the university chose not to continue the hammer-in. At this point, I approached James Powell, the Director of Continuing Education at Texarkana College, where I was Dean of Students. I suggested to James that it might be a good idea for TC to sponsor a hammer-in at nearby Washington, AR, where there was a replica of James Black’s smithy. There is rather substantial evidence that during the winter of 1830-1831 James Bowie stopped at Washington and purchased a knife from Black, whose replicated shop is a major point of interest at the State Park located there. The Black shop features a working forge, at which both Don Hastings and Bill Bagwell had served as resident smiths.
    大约在1985(原文如此,但我怀疑有误,似应为1983,才符合文章所述事件逻辑)年,ABS和怀俄明大学一起,在怀俄明州的Dubois Lakes举办了首次锻造学习营,两个Bill和Don担任教员。
    这时候我找到James Powell,他是Texarkana学院(Texarkana College)的继续教育主任,我是那儿的学生处主任(这难道不是莫兰一开始就拉着作者入伙的原因之一吗)。
    那里有James Black(公认美国锻造刀匠之祖)铁匠铺的复原建筑。有相当确凿的证据表明,在1830-1831年的冬天,James Bowie(历史传奇人物,博弈刀就是以他的名字命名)在华盛顿停留,从Black那里购买了一把刀。
    Black的铁匠铺是那里的州立公园的一个主要景点,它的特色是还开炉做着锻造,Don Hastings和Bill Bagwell都受雇做过那儿的常驻铁匠。

    So it was that in April, 1984, the first Texarkana College spring hammer-in was held in Washington, with the four founders serving as instructors. Today, this seminar, named the Piney Woods Hammer-In, is still going strong and is the “granddaddy of the hammer-ins”.
  • TA的每日心情
    2020-3-3 00:03
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     楼主| 发表于 2020-3-29 21:18 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 毒九 于 2020-3-31 02:57 编辑

    At approximately the same time that Bagwell resigned, Lile, for reasons related to his health, also resigned, and Hanford Miller and Jim Phillips were added to the board. Miller was a Maryland bladesmith and Phillips a military historian and writer from New Jersey. A bit later, Paul Burke, Sr., a Baltimore attorney, was elected to the board. By 1986, Hastings’ health was failing fast, due to leukemia, which had been in remission. He was not able to fulfill his teaching duties at the 1986 Piney Woods hammer-in, and James Crowell, a bladesmith from Mt. View, AR, who was to receive his mastersmith rating the following fall, ably filled his slot. Hastings died in September, 1986, and Hanford Miller was appointed to fill his post as treasurer. To honor the late founder, the ABS created the Don Hastings Memorial Award, which is the highest honor the ABS can confer. Other ABS awards include the Margaret Moran Silver Slipper launched in 2001; the W.W. Scagel Award instigated in 1998; the B. R. Hughes Award initiated in 1995; the W. F. Moran Award, first presented in 1998; the Antique Bowie Knife Collector Awards, instigated in 1995; and the George Peck Award which began in 1994.
    差不多在Bagwell辞职的同时,Lile因为健康原因也辞职了。Hanford Miller 和 Jim Phillips加入董事会。Miller是马里兰州的刀匠,Philips是新泽西州的军事历史学者和作家。
    之后老Paul Burke,巴尔的摩的律·师,也被选入董事会。1986年,Hastings的健康因为之前一直被控制的白血病迅速恶化。那年的松林锻造营上,他没能完成他的教学任务。(卧槽,这句我编辑了N遍发不上来,谁知道律·师是TM敏·感词?
    不过James Crowell(小星星),来自阿肯色州山景城的刀匠,出色地弥补了空缺。他也在那年秋天获得了MS称号。
    Hastings在1986年9月去世。Hanford Miller受命接替他的财务官职位。为了致敬已故的创始人,ABS设立了Don Hastings纪念奖,这是ABS可以授予的最高荣誉。
    其他ABS奖项包括2001年推出的Margaret Moran银拖鞋奖(女刀匠奖项),1998年开始的W.W. Scagel奖,1995年开创的B. R. Hughes奖,1998年首次颁发的W. F. Moran奖,1995年发起的古董博弈刀收藏家奖;以及1994年开始的George Peck奖。后来又增加了很多奖项,详见官网其他页面。ABS不重视网站这点有必要改改,刀匠名单里连去世刀匠的都没有,人死了直接把名字删掉,简单粗暴,更别提介绍。其实每个刀匠加上介绍和代表作评述,工作量并不太大

  • TA的每日心情
    2020-3-3 00:03
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     楼主| 发表于 2020-3-29 21:36 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 毒九 于 2020-3-31 02:54 编辑

    By this time the ABS was holding an annual exhibition in conjunction with the Tulsa G·u·n Show, the second largest show of its type in the U. S. at that time. The Society met for three years in Tulsa, and slowly began to attract national attention. Joe Cordova, a smith from Bosque Farms, NM, and Jay Hendrickson, a Frederick, MD, bladesmith, were named to the board, along with Jeffrey Harris, a St. Louis businessman and knife collector.

    来自新泽西Bosque Farms的铁匠Joe Cordova、来自马里兰州Frederick的刀匠Jay Hendrickson,来自圣路易斯的商人和刀具收藏家Jeffrey Harris,一起加入了董事会。

    It was during this period that the stipulations associated with attaining a journeyman’s stamp and a master’s stamps were formulated. These went into effect in 1988, and the first smith to attain a master’s under the new requirements was Wayne Goddard, Eugene, OR.
    这个时期,获得JS和MS称号的相关规定也被制定出来。这些规定于1988年生效。第一个按照新要求获得MS称号的,是来自于俄勒冈州Eugene的Wayne Goddard(蜘蛛C16、C18、C20等型号设计者,作品却从来不打MS标)。

    The year 1988 was a memorable one for the ABS. Moran had previously expressed his opinion that the ABS needed a school where bladesmithing could be taught. In 1986, while he was visiting Carolyn and me in Texarkana, Bill and I met with the Pioneer Washington Restoration Foundation in Old Washington, and presented our views on the vital role the Foundation could play in the preservation of an art form – bladesmithing. Judge James Pilkington, chairman of the group, and George Peck, a member of the Foundation and a banker and knife collector, loved the idea, and before the evening was over, the Foundation had voted to construct a suitable facility in Old Washington, with the stipulations that the ABS would provide instructors from the ranks of its master smiths, and that “someone” other than the Foundation would handle all of the administrative details. I went back to Texarkana College and recruited the assistance of James Powell, and we asked for an audience with Dr. Carl “Cheesy” Nelson, who was president of TC at that time. We made our best pitch, but Dr. Nelson was skeptical. “If it’s such a good idea,” he asked, “how come no one else is doing it?” At that time, fate intervened. Jeffrey Harris, who had recently attended one of our hammer-ins, called Dr. Nelson to express to the President his delight at what had been taught at Old Washington, and how well it had been presented. When Harris learned that Dr. Nelson was “considering” a proposal to create a bladesmithing school, Jeff said that if this came to pass, he would make a “significant” contribution to help get the school started.
    基金会的主席James Pilkington法·官,基金会成员、银行家和刀具收藏家George Peck,都很喜欢我们的想法。
    我回到Texarkana学院,在James Powell的帮助下,我们邀请了当时担任校长的Carl “Cheesy” Nelson博士。
    我们尽了最大努力,但Nelson博士对此表示怀疑。“如果这是个好主意,”他问,“为什么没有其他人在做呢?” (多么熟悉的逻辑,创业的人经常听到
    适逢此时,命运介入了。恰好Jeffrey Harris(之前提过那个壕刀友)刚刚参加了一次我们的锻造营活动,他给Nelson博士打电话,向校长吹嘘了一番他在旧华盛顿学到的东西有多不错,让他如何开心。

    That seemed to be the turning point. Dr. Nelson reasoned that if a very successful St. Louis businessman was willing to put his own money into a bladesmithing school, it must be a good idea! The first bladesmithing school in the history of the United States opened its doors on the first day of May, 1988. Having Texarkana College serve as administrator of the school has meant so much to the ABS. TC is a fully accredited institution of higher education, and this provided the school with instant credibility. James Powell served as the director until 1991, when the current director, Scotty Hayes, assumed leadership. One of Scotty’s first actions was to instigate a fall Piney Woods Hammer-in. The school was an immediate success, and it proved Moran was right, because the membership of the ABS began to grow rapidly.
    Nelson博士由此推定,如果一个非常成功的St. Louis商人愿意出钱投入这个锻刀学校,那这个学校就是一个好主意(专业人士的意见就是没土豪好使)!
    James Powell做主管做到1991年。Scotty Hayes继任并做到本文写作之时。

    In 1988 the master smiths on the Board of Directors decided to make a knife using the combined efforts of these smiths which would be auctioned at the Society’s annual meeting. This custom continues to the present and the record price for one of these knives was achieved in 2006 when a version of Bill Moran’s famous ST-23 featuring the last Damascus blade he had forged was sold for $37,000. In 1990, the ABS Master Knife of the Year Program was launched in which a master’s name is selected at random from a group of volunteers to make a knife which will be auctioned at the Blade Show. This program extended in1997 to include an ABS Journeyman Knife of the Year and the following year an ABS Master Folder was added. The generosity of ABS members has helped to make the auctioning of these four an anxiously anticipated event at the annual show.

  • TA的每日心情
    2020-11-20 07:23
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    发表于 2020-3-29 21:38 | 显示全部楼层


    编外土八路……谢兄弟!  发表于 2020-3-30 21:09
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    2020-3-3 00:03
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     楼主| 发表于 2020-3-29 21:42 | 显示全部楼层
    In 1989 Gordon Bloomquist, a lobbyist from Oregon, was named to the board and served until 2001.
    1989年,来自俄勒冈州的说客Gordon Bloomquist被任命为董事会成员,任职至2001年。

    In 1991, after 15 years of leadership, during which he did not receive so much as one penny from the Society, Bill stepped down as president. Jay Hendrickson was elected to be the new ABS leader, and Moran’s last official action as chairman to appoint Joe Keeslar, a mastersmith from Almo, KY, to the board. But the ABS leaders would not allow Bill to retire so easily! They unanimously elected him “Chairman Emeritus”, meaning that he would serve on the board for the balance of his life, if he chose to do so and he did just that!
    Jay Hendrickson当选为新任协会主·席(我喜欢老亨作品!)。
    Moran最后的职务行为是任命Joe Keeslar,来自肯塔基州Almo的MS,为董事会主·席。

  • TA的每日心情
    2020-3-3 00:03
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     楼主| 发表于 2020-3-29 21:44 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 毒九 于 2020-3-29 22:17 编辑

    Jay proved to be an able administrator, and he filled in many of the blank spots that had been empty during the Society’s first 15 years. Moran was an inspirational leader, but he was not a “detail man”. Hendrickson was, and many of the current ABS policies were established during Jay’s reign. In 1994, Dr. James Batson, a mastersmith from Madison, AL, and Jerry Fisk, a master from Lockesburg, AR, were named to the board. Joe Cordova succeeded Hendrickson in 1995.
    1994年,James Batson博士,来自阿巴拉马州Madison的MS,和Jerry Fisk,来自阿肯色州Lockesburg的大师,加入了董事会。
    Joe Cordova在1995年接替了老亨,继任主·席。

    The annual show of the Society had been shifted to the Blade Show, then in Knoxville, TN, in 1987, and later the site was shifted to Atlanta, GA, where it remains today. “Blade Magazine” has proven to be a good overseer of “The World’s Number One Knife Show”, and both the ABS and “Blade” have profited from this association.
    接下来地点转移到亚特兰大并延续至今。“Blade Magazine”(刀锋杂志)被证明是“世界第一刀展”不错的监办者。协会和杂志都从合作中获益。

    Paul Burke, who had obtained tax-exempt status from the IRS for the Society in 1985, died in 1999. Dr. Batson assumed the reins of leadership that same year, and proved to be a creative and imaginative president. Johnny Perry, a South Carolina businessman, had been elected to the board in 1997, and a year later, Houston Price, publisher of “Knife World”, became a director. Hanford Miller, who had served as treasurer after Don Hastings’ untimely death, retired from the board in 2002. Greg Neely, a master from Houston, TX, the current ABS president, was elected to the board in 1998. In 2002 Bert Gaston, a master from Little Rock, AR, was named to the guiding body, as was Rick Dunkerley, a master from Seeley Lake, MT. The following year, 2003, Steve Dunn, a master from Smiths Grove, KY, was named a director, and in 2004 Harvey Dean, a Rockdale, TX, master, was elected to the board. In 2003 Joe Keeslar took over as president, and provided a smooth, steady hand at the helm.
    Paul Burke为协会在1985年在国税局争取到免税地位,他于1999年去世(就是之前提到的进入董事会的律·师,董事会不养闲人)。
    Johnny Perry,南卡罗莱纳的商人在1997年加入董事会。一年以后,Houston Price,《Knife World》(刀圈杂志,我瞎译的)出版人,成为董事。
    在Don Hastings过早去世后担当过财务官一职的Hanford Miller,2002年从董事会退休。Greg Neely,写作此文时的协会主席,来自德尔克萨斯休斯顿的MS,进入董事会的时间是1998年。
    2002年,来自阿肯色州小石城的MS,Bert Gaston和Rick Dunkerley,来自蒙大拿Seeley Lake的MS一样加入领导层。
    Steve Dunn,来自肯塔基州Smiths Grove的MS,是在2003年成为董事(译此文时2020年,Dunn为协会主·席)。
    Harvey Dean,来自德克萨斯Rockdale,2004年成为董事(Dean在Dunn前曾任主·席)。
    2003年,Joe Keeslar接任主·席,掌舵风格平顺稳定(好像又在给上任主·席Batson补刀)。
  • TA的每日心情
    2020-3-3 00:03
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     楼主| 发表于 2020-3-29 21:45 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 毒九 于 2020-3-31 14:27 编辑

    The ABS launched its own museum and hall of fame in Little Rock, AR in 1995 in conjunction with the Historic Arkansas museum, located in downtown Little Rock. This is a highly respected facility, and the exhibits there take a back seat to no museum in the country! The most recent Hall of Fame induction ceremonies took place in 2006. The first year inductions were held in 1996 and these were in the “first class”: James Black, Jim Bowie, Don Hastings, B. R. Hughes, W. F. Moran, and W. W. Scagel. In 1997 the ABS inducted Houston Price, W. D. Randall, and R. H. Ruana. In1999 James Lile and Ken Warner were elected. In 2001 Dr. James Batson, Paul Burke, Jerry Fisk, Bruce Voyles, and Daniel Searles were inducted. In 2003 Samuel Bell, Jeffrey Harris, Margaret Moran, Al Pendray, and Steve Shackleford were inducted and in 2006 Clyde Fischer, Don Fogg, Jay Hendrickson, and Henry Schively were inducted. If you’ve never visited the ABS museum and Hall of Fame, you should. It’s something of which the Society and its members can be very, very proud.
    首次入选典礼于1996年举行,第一批入选者为:James Black, Jim Bowie,(加上最后的Scagel,三个上古大神,强制增加ABS历史深度,文字狗头)Don Hastings, B. R. Hughes, W. F. Moran, (实际当选的就这三个创始人)和 W. W. Scagel.
    1997年入选的有Houston Price, W. D. Randall, 和 R. H. Ruana.
    1999年是James Lile 和 Ken Warner。
    2001 年:Dr. James Batson, Paul Burke, Jerry Fisk(加入董事会6年即当选,比第二任主·席老亨还要早两届!可见某些东西的区别), Bruce Voyles, Daniel Searles。
    2003 年:Samuel Bell, Jeffrey Harris, Margaret Moran, Al Pendray, Steve Shackleford。
    2006年:Clyde Fischer, Don Fogg, Jay Hendrickson,  Henry Schively。

    Inspired by the success of the Piney Woods Hammer-In, the ABS began to sponsor a series of weekend seminars of its own. The first of these events was held in August 2001 in Fruitport, Michigan with the assistance of Dr. James Lucie. The following year the Michigan Hammer-In was moved to Mike Bauer’s farm, also near Fruitport, where it remained through 2004. Additional ABS hammer-ins have been held in California, Maryland, Montana, New York, North Carolina Winston-Salem and Haywood Community College in Clyde, and Ohio. ABS members have also been very active in weekend seminars held in Alabama, California, Texas, France, New Zealand, and South Africa. The ABS Hammer-In Program is under the co-direction of Dr. James Batson and Mike Vagnino. For the most part, Dr. Batson handles hammer-ins East of the Mississippi and Vagnino coordinates those west of the river.
    第二年密歇根的活动转移到Fruitport附近的Mike Bauer的农场举办,在那里一直办到2004年。
    ABS锻造营流程由James Batson博士和Mike Vagnino共同指导。

    In 2003, the ABS blazed new trails with an All-Forged Blade Exposition held in Reno, Nevada. This has proven to be a most successful undertaking and some observers have termed it, “the classiest knife show in America”. The last Reno Expo was held in 2008 and in 2009 the extravaganza moved to San Antonio, Texas, the home of the Alamo.

    The ABS has also stressed its youth program and has interacted with the Boy Scouts of America and the 4-H Organization on a number of occasions. The first ABS youth hammer-in was held in 2007 in Tennessee. Wes Byrd and Larry Harley have been extremely active in the promotion of this phase of the society’s efforts to reach the youth of America. Tim Potier joined the duo to present a series of demonstrations to the students of the French Camp Academy in Mississippi.

    Wes Byrd 和Larry Harley一直致力于促进协会这一部分的工作,以吸引美国的青年。
    Tim Potier加入这对搭档,在密西西比州,为法国夏令营学院的学生们进行了一系列的锻造演示。

    In January, 2008 Robert Calvert, a banker-businessman from Rayville, LA, was added to the governing group.  Robert is a journeyman smith, but he was added to the board for his business acumen. Another change on the Society’s board occurred in January, 2008, when Jerry Fisk submitted his retirement as second vice-president, having served almost 14 years on the ABS’ governing body and contributing greatly to the ABS in numerous undertakings. On December 1, 2008 Dan Cassidy, a former  career federal prosecutor and Journeyman Smith from Salida, Colorado was elected to the board. In August, 2009, at the board meeting in San Antonio, Texas, Bill Wiggins, a Journeyman Smith from Canton, North Carolina was added to the board.
    2008年1月,Robert Calvert,来自路易斯安那Rayville的银行家和商人,加入了管理层。
    同时董事会的另一个变化是,Jerry Fisk辞去了第二副主·席的职务。(在此文之后又当选主·席并卸任),他已经在ABS管理层工作了14年,为协会诸多事物做出了巨大的贡献。
    2008年12月1日,Dan Cassidy,来自科罗拉多Salida的前联邦检察官,也是JS刀匠,加入董事会。
    2009年8月,在德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥的董事会会议上,来自北卡罗来纳州Canton的JS刀匠Bill Wiggins加入了董事会。

    During 2010 and 2011 after many years of distinguished service in various capacities, Johnny Perry, Rick Dunkerley, and Bert Gaston resigned from the ABS Board. In 2011 Master Smiths Dr. Dan Petersen from Kansas, Kevin Cashen from Michigan, Michael Vagnino from California, and Mark Zalesky, the editor of "Knife World", were elected to the ABS Board of Directors.
    在2010年和2011年期间,在多年杰出的工作后,Johnny Perry, Rick Dunkerley, Bert Gaston从董事会离任。
    2011年,来自堪萨斯的MS刀匠Dan Petersen博士,来自密歇根的Kevin Cashen,来自加利福尼亚的Michael Vagnino,和《Knife World》杂志的编辑Mark Zalesky,成为董事会董事。

    Bill Moran, who died in Frederick, MD, February 12, 2006, was a staunch believer that the ABS Board should not be composed only of bladesmiths, although only a mastersmith may serve as Chairman of the Board and president. Moran felt strongly that the board should include businessmen, historians, journalists, and the like, as well as smiths, to provide a sense of balance. The history of the ABS has proven that Moran, as usual, was right. The sole purpose of the Society today is the same as it was in 1976 – to promote and preserve the art of the forged blade, and the path chosen to accomplish that goal is one of education. It is the mission of the ABS to teach smiths how to turn out completed knives that due to their quality and artistry will be marketable to the public. Teaching is the role of the ABS.
    Bill Moran,于2006年1月12日,在马里兰州Frederick去世。
    ABS的历史证明, Moran一贯正确(这么翻译也行吧)。



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    发一篇我以前的一篇老帖子《其实ABS......就是绝地武士团》,共襄盛举http://forum.knifriend.com/forum ... B%CE%E4%CA%BF%CD%C5


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    谢谢跳总!  发表于 2020-3-30 21:16
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     楼主| 发表于 2020-3-30 21:16 | 显示全部楼层
    yqlwolf 发表于 2020-3-30 11:48

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     楼主| 发表于 2020-3-30 21:31 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 毒九 于 2020-3-31 01:15 编辑
    叨叨催人老 发表于 2020-3-30 11:03
    ------------------------------------------------ ...

    Scagel1963年就去世了。包括第二届名人堂的W. D. Randall(做刀始于1937年,去世于1989年),以及 R. H. Ruana(1986年去世),其实属于莫兰的上一辈和上上辈,影响莫兰和锻造刀匠颇深,但和ABS这个协会没有什么实质性的交集。


    谢谢,又学到了。  发表于 2020-3-31 10:24
  • TA的每日心情
    2020-3-3 00:03
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     楼主| 发表于 2020-3-30 21:48 | 显示全部楼层
    放鹿中原 发表于 2020-3-30 10:29
    真希望国内也有这样的组织,专业化、社会化、 ...

  • TA的每日心情
    2021-1-3 07:11
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    发表于 2020-3-30 22:25 | 显示全部楼层
    有一点很奇怪的是,Don Fogg在这篇官方文章里写是最早被授予MS的一批人,但是在他ABS的官网页面和获得奖项写的是97年才变成MS的
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