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TA的每日心情 | 开心 2020-3-3 00:03 |
签到天数: 113 天 [LV.6]常住居民II

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发表于 2020-3-29 21:45
本帖最后由 毒九 于 2020-3-31 14:27 编辑
The ABS launched its own museum and hall of fame in Little Rock, AR in 1995 in conjunction with the Historic Arkansas museum, located in downtown Little Rock. This is a highly respected facility, and the exhibits there take a back seat to no museum in the country! The most recent Hall of Fame induction ceremonies took place in 2006. The first year inductions were held in 1996 and these were in the “first class”: James Black, Jim Bowie, Don Hastings, B. R. Hughes, W. F. Moran, and W. W. Scagel. In 1997 the ABS inducted Houston Price, W. D. Randall, and R. H. Ruana. In1999 James Lile and Ken Warner were elected. In 2001 Dr. James Batson, Paul Burke, Jerry Fisk, Bruce Voyles, and Daniel Searles were inducted. In 2003 Samuel Bell, Jeffrey Harris, Margaret Moran, Al Pendray, and Steve Shackleford were inducted and in 2006 Clyde Fischer, Don Fogg, Jay Hendrickson, and Henry Schively were inducted. If you’ve never visited the ABS museum and Hall of Fame, you should. It’s something of which the Society and its members can be very, very proud.
首次入选典礼于1996年举行,第一批入选者为:James Black, Jim Bowie,(加上最后的Scagel,三个上古大神,强制增加ABS历史深度,文字狗头)Don Hastings, B. R. Hughes, W. F. Moran, (实际当选的就这三个创始人)和 W. W. Scagel.
1997年入选的有Houston Price, W. D. Randall, 和 R. H. Ruana.
1999年是James Lile 和 Ken Warner。
2001 年:Dr. James Batson, Paul Burke, Jerry Fisk(加入董事会6年即当选,比第二任主·席老亨还要早两届!可见某些东西的区别), Bruce Voyles, Daniel Searles。
2003 年:Samuel Bell, Jeffrey Harris, Margaret Moran, Al Pendray, Steve Shackleford。
2006年:Clyde Fischer, Don Fogg, Jay Hendrickson, Henry Schively。
Inspired by the success of the Piney Woods Hammer-In, the ABS began to sponsor a series of weekend seminars of its own. The first of these events was held in August 2001 in Fruitport, Michigan with the assistance of Dr. James Lucie. The following year the Michigan Hammer-In was moved to Mike Bauer’s farm, also near Fruitport, where it remained through 2004. Additional ABS hammer-ins have been held in California, Maryland, Montana, New York, North Carolina Winston-Salem and Haywood Community College in Clyde, and Ohio. ABS members have also been very active in weekend seminars held in Alabama, California, Texas, France, New Zealand, and South Africa. The ABS Hammer-In Program is under the co-direction of Dr. James Batson and Mike Vagnino. For the most part, Dr. Batson handles hammer-ins East of the Mississippi and Vagnino coordinates those west of the river.
第二年密歇根的活动转移到Fruitport附近的Mike Bauer的农场举办,在那里一直办到2004年。
ABS锻造营流程由James Batson博士和Mike Vagnino共同指导。
In 2003, the ABS blazed new trails with an All-Forged Blade Exposition held in Reno, Nevada. This has proven to be a most successful undertaking and some observers have termed it, “the classiest knife show in America”. The last Reno Expo was held in 2008 and in 2009 the extravaganza moved to San Antonio, Texas, the home of the Alamo.
The ABS has also stressed its youth program and has interacted with the Boy Scouts of America and the 4-H Organization on a number of occasions. The first ABS youth hammer-in was held in 2007 in Tennessee. Wes Byrd and Larry Harley have been extremely active in the promotion of this phase of the society’s efforts to reach the youth of America. Tim Potier joined the duo to present a series of demonstrations to the students of the French Camp Academy in Mississippi.
Wes Byrd 和Larry Harley一直致力于促进协会这一部分的工作,以吸引美国的青年。
Tim Potier加入这对搭档,在密西西比州,为法国夏令营学院的学生们进行了一系列的锻造演示。
In January, 2008 Robert Calvert, a banker-businessman from Rayville, LA, was added to the governing group. Robert is a journeyman smith, but he was added to the board for his business acumen. Another change on the Society’s board occurred in January, 2008, when Jerry Fisk submitted his retirement as second vice-president, having served almost 14 years on the ABS’ governing body and contributing greatly to the ABS in numerous undertakings. On December 1, 2008 Dan Cassidy, a former career federal prosecutor and Journeyman Smith from Salida, Colorado was elected to the board. In August, 2009, at the board meeting in San Antonio, Texas, Bill Wiggins, a Journeyman Smith from Canton, North Carolina was added to the board.
2008年1月,Robert Calvert,来自路易斯安那Rayville的银行家和商人,加入了管理层。
同时董事会的另一个变化是,Jerry Fisk辞去了第二副主·席的职务。(在此文之后又当选主·席并卸任),他已经在ABS管理层工作了14年,为协会诸多事物做出了巨大的贡献。
2008年12月1日,Dan Cassidy,来自科罗拉多Salida的前联邦检察官,也是JS刀匠,加入董事会。
2009年8月,在德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥的董事会会议上,来自北卡罗来纳州Canton的JS刀匠Bill Wiggins加入了董事会。
During 2010 and 2011 after many years of distinguished service in various capacities, Johnny Perry, Rick Dunkerley, and Bert Gaston resigned from the ABS Board. In 2011 Master Smiths Dr. Dan Petersen from Kansas, Kevin Cashen from Michigan, Michael Vagnino from California, and Mark Zalesky, the editor of "Knife World", were elected to the ABS Board of Directors.
在2010年和2011年期间,在多年杰出的工作后,Johnny Perry, Rick Dunkerley, Bert Gaston从董事会离任。
2011年,来自堪萨斯的MS刀匠Dan Petersen博士,来自密歇根的Kevin Cashen,来自加利福尼亚的Michael Vagnino,和《Knife World》杂志的编辑Mark Zalesky,成为董事会董事。
Bill Moran, who died in Frederick, MD, February 12, 2006, was a staunch believer that the ABS Board should not be composed only of bladesmiths, although only a mastersmith may serve as Chairman of the Board and president. Moran felt strongly that the board should include businessmen, historians, journalists, and the like, as well as smiths, to provide a sense of balance. The history of the ABS has proven that Moran, as usual, was right. The sole purpose of the Society today is the same as it was in 1976 – to promote and preserve the art of the forged blade, and the path chosen to accomplish that goal is one of education. It is the mission of the ABS to teach smiths how to turn out completed knives that due to their quality and artistry will be marketable to the public. Teaching is the role of the ABS.
Bill Moran,于2006年1月12日,在马里兰州Frederick去世。
ABS的历史证明, Moran一贯正确(这么翻译也行吧)。