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发表于 2013-3-24 09:52
本帖最后由 7100v 于 2013-3-24 11:49 编辑
亮点在于 索格市场部主管 Chris Cashbaugh在BF上的官方回复
http://www.bladeforums.com/forum ... 7780434#post7780434
After reading through the many comments here and on other threads and forums, I've had a chance to digest your thoughts and concerns- in turn, I passed those concerns onto Spencer (our founder and Chief Designer) to get his thought on the matter. Here is his response.
看到这论坛上的许多贴,我才算有了个机会了解你们的思虑。我已经把你们的想法逐条上书给了 斯宾塞 ·弗雷泽(索格公司创始人和首席设计师),去问问他是怎么看的。
Thank you for your comments and input. Just to clarify a few misconceptions that we have seen in print lately- SOG is and always has been dedicated to producing innovative quality products with the needs of the consumer in mind. Since our inception in 1986, we have seen the industry evolve and grow. We are proud of the fact that we have been responsible, along with many others, in helping this happen. Today there are so many companies and individuals out there contributing to our great industry, and as a result many ideas appear across company lines; You can be assured that we at SOG work hard to protect our trademark and intellectual properties, while at the same time working to respect the intellectual property of others.
There are many many designs out in the market. We as designers and manufacturers individually contribute to the advancement of the industry as a whole through our innovations. As occurs with all industries, when a design feature becomes popularized , others within the industry look to build upon this innovation. A great example would be the hole in the blade that now is used by many companies- Did you know that this was originated by Scagel back in the 30’s? Or the tanto blade shape made popular in many tactical designs, which originated in ancient Japanese styling and now commonplace for many knife companies? SOG saw our bowie style folders spread though the industry, and the same can be said for other’s innovations, like the lock back, the liner lock, the interframe, thumbstuds, the invent of multi-tools, kraton handles, clips on knives, etc.
现在外面市面上有很多各种各样的设计。我司的设计和制造是借助我们自身的创造力一体化完成的。如同和所有产业的情况一样,如果一样设计开始风靡,同行们就都会希望对此有所借鉴。一个极好的例子就是,现在很多刀具公司都在刀片上开孔——你知道么,这个设计是早在1930年代由 Scagel 率先发明的;又比如很多战术刀上流行的T头刃形,那是古代日本人发明的,现在对很多刀具公司来说已经是司空见惯了。SOG的博伊风格折刀被业内很多公司仿效——而至于像背锁,衬锁,一体锁,推刀钮,添加多用途工具,热塑胶手柄,背夹等等一堆可以认为是别的公司发明的设计,也是一样的情况。
Indeed all knives have historical precedent. Although it is a very distinctive product in its own right, our SogZilla line did call upon previous generations of knives for inspiration. There is no chance of it being mistaken as it is emblazoned with the SOG logo, has a novel opening shape, distinctive dual directional handle pattern, and other design features which are unique to itself.
On another note we are concerned with the threat to all of the legitimate knife companies and knife buying public with the blatant copy and counterfeiting of products. There are people out there who are exactly copying a product, brand name, logo, and even packaging. We have seen this in greater incidence and are actively combating each and every occurrence.
We appreciate your passion and dedication to the knife category and to SOG. You can be assured that we will continue to push forward and contribute to the evolution of the industry as we create exciting new products.
感谢你们对刀和对索格公司的酷爱和献身精神。你们可以相信,我们将会继续贡献出我们的力量, 推出激动人心的新产品,推动刀具产业的进步。
Spencer Frazer
Founder and Chief Designer
I hope this helps alleviate any concerns you may have, or at the very least clarify SOG's official position on the matter. As always, if you have thoughts or concerns you wish to share on a one on one basis, you can always email me at marketing@sogknives.com.
Chris Cashbaugh
SOG Marketing Director
索格公司市场部主管 |