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[转帖] 美国杂志 《 Tactical knives 》(战术刀具)对于汉威实用胁差的评测文章



发表于 2013-4-7 09:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
[转帖] 美国杂志 《 Tactical  knives 》(战术刀具)对于汉威实用胁差的评测文章

原文地址:  http://www.tactical-life.com/online/tactical-knives/samurai-sidearm/

Written by Michael Janich

作者:Michael Janich  

C.A.S. Hanwei’s Tactical Wakizashi proves to be a contemporary cutter that can take and dish out some serious outdoor abuse!


The C.A.S. Hanwei Tactical Wakizashi provides the modern martial artist with an all-purpose cutting tool that is still up to the demands of traditional
Japanese sword craft.


Swords have a very special allure that “calls” to a surprisingly broad audience. Whether you’re a serious arms collector, a historian, a martial artist,
or even a gaming enthusiast, the idea of owning a sword that reflects your character is not at all uncommon. Although there is no shortage of long,
shiny blades out there, the more serious you are about swords, the harder it is to find one that is functional and truly combat worthy. And if you are
lucky enough to find such a sword, you might find yourself paying a kingly price to make it yours. Fortunately, a few companies have recognized
the need for high-quality, historically authentic swords that can be offered at affordable prices. One of the pioneers of that effort—and still one of
the industry leaders—is C.A.S. Hanwei.

刀剑在广泛的受众群体中具有无与伦比的召唤力 。无论你是古董兵器收藏者、历史学家、格斗专家,甚至一个赌徒,拥有一把刀剑的想法时刻出现在脑海中一点也不稀奇。尽管光华耀眼刀剑并不稀缺,困难的却是找到一把具有使用功能的甚至可以真正用于拼杀格斗的刀剑。即使你足够幸运找到这样一把刀剑,你也需要消耗国王般的花费来拥有它,幸运的是少数几个公司认识到有关于高品质、复古的(具有实用性的)真刀剑的需求,并且让他们具有可以(被大众)接受的价格。这些先驱之一同时也是行业的领军者就是--汉威。

The Tactical Wakizashi
To commemorate the 25th anniversary of C.A.S., the company introduced a number of unique new items in their 2010 catalog. One of the most

distinctive is their “Tactical Wakizashi,” a utilitarian take on the Japanese short sword that, according to their catalog, is intended for “strenuous
outdoor use and protection.”

为了庆祝 C.A.S公司建立第25周年,公司在2010年的目录中推出了很多款不同寻常的新产品。其中最具特点的就是他们的“战术胁差”一把来源于日本短刀的实用工具,根据目录,这把刀适用于户外环境中的极端使用和防护自卫。

The “Tactical Wak” is based on C.A.S. Hanwei’s Raptor wakizashi, a traditional style of short sword specifically tuned for modern applications by
renowned sword expert James Williams. Unlike classic Japanese blades that feature edge geometry optimized for cutting flesh, Williams and Hanwei
designed the Raptor blades for cutting both soft and semi-hard materials. Forged from high-carbon 5160 steel, these specially designed blades
replicate the thickness and weight of traditional blades, but are heat treated to be more resilient and more forgiving of imperfect cuts. This makes
them ideal for sword users interested in cutting materials other than straw mat targets.

战术胁差来源于汉威的 Raptor 胁差,由著名刀剑专家 James Williams  结合现代的应用需求而改良设计的传统 (日式)短刀。不同于通常印象中的日本刀具有最有利于切割肌肉组织的几何线条结构 ,Williams和汉威所设计的 Raptor 胁差不仅适用于软质同样适用于较硬质地的目标材料。 战术胁差由 5160 高碳钢折叠锻打而成,特别设计的刀身完全遵循传统刀剑的厚度和重量,然而独特的热处理技术使得战术胁差可以更好的适应不正确劈砍所带来的回弹力和相关承受力。这使得战术胁差成为乐于尝试竹席以外劈砍目标的刀剑使用者的完美选择。


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