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发表于 2006-2-12 02:33
1. M. Sache, Damascus Steel, Myth, History, Technology Applications (Düsseldorf, Germany: Stahleisen, 1994).
2. B. Bronson, "The Making and Selling of Wootz," Archeomaterials, 1 (1986), pp. 13-51.
3. W. Rostoker and B. Bronson, "Pre-Industrial Iron, Its Technology and Ethnology," Archeomaterial Monograph No. 1 (Philadelphia, PA: Archaeomaterials, 1990), p. 127.
4. L.S. Figiel, On Damascus Steel (Atlantas, FL: Atlantas Arts Press, 1991).
5. C.S. Smith, A History of Metallography, Chapters 3 and 4 (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1988).
6. C.S. Smith, "Damascus Steel," Science, 216 (1983), pp. 242-244.
7. J. Wadsworth and O.D. Sherby, "Damascus Steel-Making," Science, 216 (1983), pp. 328-330.
8. J.D. Verhoeven and D.T. Peterson, "What is Damascus Steel?" Mat. Char., 29 (1992), pp. 355-341.
9. M. Breant, "Description of a Process for Making Damasked Steel," Annals of Philosophy, 8 (1824), pp. 267-271.
10. P. Anossoff and O. Bulatakh, Gornyj Journal (2) (1841), pp. 157-318.
11. N.T. Belaiew, "Uber Damast," Metallurgie, 8 (1911), pp. 449-456; "Damast, seine Struktur und Eigenschaften," Metallurgie, 8 (1911), pp. 699-704; "Damascene Steel," J. Iron and Steel Inst., 97 (1918), pp. 417-439.
12. J. Wadsworth and O.D. Sherby, "On the Bulat-Damascus Steel Revisited," Prog. Mat. Sci., 25 (1980), pp. 35-68.
13. B. Zschokke, "Du Damasse et des Lames de Damas," Rev. Met., 21 (1924), pp. 635-669.
14. J.D. Verhoeven and A.H. Pendray, "The Mystery of the Damascus Sword," Muse, 2 (2) (April 1998), pp. 35-43.
15. J.D. Verhoeven and A.H. Pendray, "Experiments to Reproduce the Pattern of Damascus Steel Blades," Mat. Char., 29 (1992), pp. 195-212.
16. J.D. Verhoeven, A.H. Pendray, and P.M. Berge, "Studies of Damascus Steel Blades: Part IIDestruction and Reformation of the Pattern," Mat. Char., 30 (1993), pp. 187-200.
17. J.D. Verhoeven, A.H. Pendray, and E.D. Gibson, "Wootz Damascus Steel Blades," Mat. Char., 37 (1996), pp. 9-22.
18. J.D. Verhoeven et al., "Microsegregation and Banding in Hypereutectoid Steel: Damascus Steel," ISS Trans., 25 (in press).
19. E.M. Taleff et al., "Pearlite in Ultrahigh Carbon Steels: Heat Treatments and Mechanical Properties," Met. Mat. Trans. A, 27A (1996), pp. 111-118.
20. J.D. Verhoeven and E.D. Gibson, "The Divorced Eutectoid Transformation (DET) in Steel," Met. Mat. Trans. A, 29A (1998), pp. 1181-1189.
21. D.T. Peterson, H.H. Baker, and J.D. Verhoeven, "Damascus Steel, Characterization of One Damascus Steel Sword," Mat. Char., 24 (1990), pp. 355-374.
22. Massalski, "Preparation de l'acier Damasse en Perse," Ann. Du Journal des Mines de Russie (1841), pp. 297-308.
23. H.T.P. J. duc de Luynes, Memoire sur la Fabrication de l'acier Foundu et Damassee (Paris: 1844).
24. C. Panseri, "Damascus Steel in Legend and Reality," Gladius, IV (1965), pp. 5-66.
25. R.A. Grange, "Effect of Microstructural Banding in Steel," Met. Mat. Trans. A, 2 (1971), pp. 417-426.
26. L.E. Samuals, Optical Microscopy of Carbon Steels (Metals Park, OH: ASM, 1980), pp. 154-161.
27. S.W. Thompson and P.R. Howell, "Factors Influencing Ferrite/Pearlite Banding and Origin of Large Pearlite Nodules in a Hypoeutectoid Plate Steel," Mat. Sci. Tech., 8 (1992), pp. 777-784.
28. R. Grossterlinden et al., "Formation of Pearlite Banded Structures in Ferrite-Pearlite Steels," Steel Research, 63 (1992), pp. 331-336.
29. P.T. Craddock, "Cast Iron, Fined Iron, Crucible Steel: Liquid Iron in the Ancient World," Prehistory of Mining and Extractive Metallurgy, ed. P.T. Craddock and J. Lang (London: British Museum, in press).
30. H. Maryon, "Pattern-Welding and Damascening of Sword-Blades-Part 2," J. of Intern. Inst. for Conservation of Hist. and Art Works, 5 (1960), pp. 52-60.
J.D. Verhoeven is currently a professor in the Materials Science and Engineering Department at Iowa State University. A.H. Pendray is currently president of the Knifemakers Guild. W.E. Dauksch is retired as vice president and general manager of Nucor Steel Corporation.
For more information, contact J.D. Verhoeven, Iowa State University, Materials Science and Engineering Department, 104 Wilhelm Hall, Ames, Iowa 50011; (515) 294-9471; fax (515) 294-4291; jver@iastate.edu.