2012 Accessory of the Year: Wicked Edge Precision Sharpener Road Edge 2
2012 Kitchen Knife of the Year: Shun Tayo Kitchen Knife
2012 Investor Collector Knife of the Year: William Henry B12 Freedom
2012 Collaboration of the Year: Zero Tolerance & RJ Martin 0600
2012 Best Buy of the Year: Kershaw Cryo
2012 Manufacturing Quality Award : Chris Reeve Knives
2012 Hall of Fame Inductee: Harold Kit Carson
2012 Most Innovative Imported Design: Lionsteel DPX Gear Hest 2.0
2012 Most Innovative American Design: Spyderco Autonomy
2012 Imported Knife of the Year: CRKT Ken Onion Foresight
2012 American Made Knife of the Year: Microtech Socom Delta
2012 Overall Knife of the Year: Zero Tolerance 0888
发一段review视频 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTcwNzIyOTY0.html
For the price point, it's a good buy for the following reasons:
1. Hinderer designed
2. Jimping and choil provide excellent grip
3. Speedsafe
4. Blade can be sharpened to hair cutting sharpness
IMHO, it's a good edc blade and will not scare the crap out of your neighbors if you whip it out to cut an errant weed on your driveway.