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TA的每日心情 | 开心 2013-7-20 11:17 |
签到天数: 5 天 [LV.2]偶尔看看I
在网上看到Chris Reeve为纪念Senbenza推出25周年,在去年新推出了Senbenza25.但看完官网的介绍,感觉Senbenza 25是以前Senbenza与Umnumzaan的混合体,Senbenza 25与Umnumzaan都采用了1/8英寸的陶瓷定位珠(以前论坛有人专门写过Umnumzaan的构造设置,不知这次Senbenza 25是否也采用了同样的设置?,若如此,那表面上看似乎只有刃形与柄处理的不同了……)

官网对Senbenza 25的介绍如下:
• Large Hollow Grind Technology—the first blade to feature this new grind that blends the best of hollow and flat grinds.
• Shaped phosphor bronze washer on the lock side brings additional stability to that side of the blade.
• One-eighth inch ceramic ball acts as the interface between the lock bar and the blade, and doubles to drop into the detent, ensuring the blade stays in place when closed.
• Larger perforations in the washers reduce friction, store more lubricant and offer space for small dirt
particles to move away from the blade/washer 
interface, helping to prevent blade action from 
becoming “sticky”.
• 416 Heat treated stainless steel stop pin is interference fit into the lock side of the handle.
• Asymmetrical pattern thumb serrations on a curved thumb ramp of the blade give excellent purchase.
At 0.140” (3.56mm), the blade is more robust than previous Sebenza models.
Sebenza 25 Umnumzaan
Stock Thickness 0.1401 +/- .0001 in 0.1402 +/- .0001 in
Grind Height* 0.88 +/- .01 in 0.86 +/- .01 in
Edge Angle** 40 +/- 4 degrees 40 +/- 4 degrees
Edge Thickness 0.021 +/- .001 in 0.021 +/- .001 in
Blade Length*** ~3.6 in ~3.6 in |