I was there at the Hinderer Ranch one summer when he ground one of the skinner XM18 in front of a crowd and we got to watch. He told us that there is no set way he does the skinners and sometimes they come out differently so no to skinners are alike and some come out looking completely different.
I really thought that getting the XM24 was hard, he has not made any of those in a long time and are really hard to come by. I don't think I have seen one up for lottery in the last two years. And at the last show which was the New York Custom Knife show, he didn't bring any custom folders, so they may be getting really hard to get.
Hinderer had purchased more CNC machines. I think if they started to discontinue certain models, it would help bring the prices back up. Hinderer did announce that they will be making a new folder for the beginning of next year. I think it's about time. They have been selling pretty much the same model for over three years now...
But the economy is bad here in the US and many people that were buying for investment are all trying to sell them because they need the money more than a knife, and there are too many avil for sale while Hinderer is making more and more.