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TA的每日心情 | 衰 2013-6-25 18:31 |
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本帖最后由 叨叨催人老 于 2014-4-8 13:09 编辑
大理石是一家美国百年老厂,位于美国格拉斯通,产品质量口碑甚好,开现代户外刀具之先河,在上世纪末停产,牌子虽然保留,但经与天朝OEM,以后的产品都是Made in China,包括那几款莫名其妙的大马钢材,质量就垃圾了。
Prior to the late 19th century, outdoorsmen and military personnel did not use knives that were notably different from the knives used by butchers. Blades were relatively thin and the handles were often no more than two wooden slabs riveted to the tang. Serrations appeared on knives in the 19th century for use as a wood saw or fish scaler. Around the turn of the century, Webster L. Marble introduced the modern concept of the "hunting knife." These knives incorporated heavier blades, crossguards, and pommels. They very much resembled miniaturized Bowie knives.
Founder - Webster L. Marble
Gladstone, Michigan, United States
Marble Safety Axe Company, Gladstone Manufacturing Company,
rifles, gun sights, axes, hunting knives, and other outdoor accessories\
son of Lansing Marble and a grandson of Jason Marble, the latter from Vermont and of English descent.
Marble loved the outdoors and the vast Upper Peninsula offered innumerable opportunities to hunt, fish, camp and explore the environment. An inventor by nature, he was continually seeking to create useful tools and equipment that would be both practical and durable in the outdoors.
Marble Arms created the Ideal hunting knife in 1898.
先来看看最后一个十年期的普通款,刀盒上印有格拉斯特制造,无"custom"标示, 质量却不差。第一把是1998年的: