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[量产刀] 回顾Boker警察多功能工具

  • TA的每日心情
    2016-8-3 11:45
  • 签到天数: 439 天


    发表于 2014-5-26 17:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

    来自---Forum--Knife Specific Discussion--Knife Reviews &Testing--Review - Boker Plus Cop Tool Review with Pics
    贴子名:Boker Plus Cop Tool Review with Pics配合照片来回顾Boker警察多功能工具


    alude904--- 06-10-2012, 10:57 AM 贴上

    Boker Plus Cop Tool Review with Pics
    First off, thanks for taking the timeto read my reviews. Please check out my other reviews and keep an eye out for manymore to come. Now, straight to the specs.
    Blade length: 1 3/4"      刃长:约44.45mm
    Overall Length: 6"         总长:约152.4mm
    Weight: 4.2oz               重:约119
    Blade Material: 440C      钢材:440C
    Handle Material: G-10    柄材:G10

    I would like to start with saying that while most consider all knives tools,the "Cop Tool" is indeed a tool and a very good one at that. You mightnotice that throughout this review I will be calling it a tool more than I willa knife. This is due to it's many useful features that make it such a great tool.As a fixed blade, this tool is part of the Boker Plus collection being since it'smade in Taiwan. BokerPlus products are made either in Taiwan orChina. Whileit is true that some knives have their issues when coming from said facilities(mostly due to their lack of quality control while being mass produced in a hugefacility), don't let this tool fool you. With it's simplistic design, there's hardlyany problems to be had with this.  首先我想说,虽然大多数人认为所有刀具都是工具,“警察工具”的确是一个工具而且非常好用。您可能会注意到,在整个回顾里,我更会称之为工具而非刀具。这是由于它许多有用的功能,使它是一把极好的工具。作为一把直柄刀,这个工具是BokerPlus系列的一部分,因为它在台湾制造。Boker Plus系列产品是在台湾及中国制造的。当上述地方是制造产地时某些刀子的确会有某些问题(主要是由于大量生产时他们没作好质量控制)虽然这是事实,但这把没有这种情况。因为它设计简单,这工具几乎没有任何质量问题。

    Following this picture, I would like to point out thebarely visible 440C marked on this tool. While 440C isn't a high end steel, it'sstill a good steel and has a hard price tag to beat. The blade on this is uniquelyserrated and will be very challenging if not impossible to sharpen but is supersharp. The blade portion of this tool is all serrated and pretty short so the cuttinguses will be minimal. 下面这张照片,我想指出这个工具上隐约可见的440C标志。虽然440C不是一个高端的钢材,它仍然是一个很好的钢,而且价格很有竞争力。这个刀片只有锯齿刃,要磨齿刃非常具有挑战性,但齿刃超犀利。这个工具的刃部是全齿刃且相当短,所以没多大的切割功能。

    Moving onto the features of this tool, I have say that this thing has manyuses. To list them off, this thing has a blade For cutting, is flat tipped at theend for getting prying leverage. That being said, now is a good time as any to mentionthat this tool is super thick. It's perfectly designed so and is intended for beingused as a pry bar.现在说说这个工具的特点,我得说这东西有许多用途。一一列举出来,这玩意有用于切割的刀刃,平头顶端用来作撬杆。以前就有人说过,要是有人嫌这玩意超级厚时就很适合提到撬杆功能。它完全被设计用来作撬杆。Continuing on, this tool has a handy seat belt cutterand a glass breaker at the end. The shape of this knife is well thought out consideringthe index finger cut out, the thumb groves on either side, and the serration onthe back of the blade for an alternative thumb grip. Despite these designs, I amstill skeptical about my hand slipping during strenuous use.继续,这个工具有一个方便的安全带切割勾刀,底端有玻璃锥。整把刀的形状是经过深思熟虑的,切出食指槽,两侧都有拇指槽,并且在刀背刻有拇指止滑槽。尽管有这些设计,我怀疑用力使用时我的手还是会打滑。Some other features that are a nice addition are theblack G-10 grips on either side and a lanyard hole. This tool does come with a blackand grey box braided lanyard but I replaced it with one of my own.补充其它一些功能,两片柄材是黑G-10且有一个挂绳孔。这个工具的确附有有黑色和灰色方块编织挂绳,但我用我自己编的一个挂绳取代了。Next, I want to focus on the sheath that it comes with.The sheath is made out of a black leather and is very well designed. I couldn'tsee this tool having a better sheath. It's simple, looks great, and is very durable.The sheath also has a metal clip that works well, even with large belt widths. Theretention on this sheath is okay.接下来,我要把重点放在它自带的鞘。鞘是以黑色皮革制成而且设计得非常好。我找不到比这个更好的鞘。设计简单,看上去很不错,而且非常耐用。鞘也有一个用起来不错的金属夹子,即使用在较宽的皮带上。此鞘的设计很不错。
    As far as the cons with this tool,there really aren't any besides the possible hand slipping as I mentioned earlier.Yes, I know that's a big problem when it comes to knives but if you are carefuland considering that's the only problem with this tool, I say this thing is great.With a price range of $36 to $80, this knife is a great go to tool.至于这个工具的利弊,真的没有任何问题除了手可能打滑,正如我前面提到的。是的,我知道这是一个很大的问题,当涉及到刀刃时,但如果你很小心,并考虑到这是这玩意的唯一的问题,我觉得这玩意不错。价格范围在36刀至80刀之间,这把刀用作工具是很不错的。

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    来个图看看 什么样子的啊?
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    发表于 2014-5-28 08:42 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
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