本帖最后由 铜雀儿 于 2015-3-19 15:06 编辑
美国著名艺术刀具订制大师,a Knifemaker’s Guild member,属于$1,000 and above custom knife makers,High-End Customs--作品价格千刀以上级别的顶极刀匠。他与Ron Newton , Buster Warenski并称为顶级艺术刀具三大流派的代表人物:These three represent three totallydifferent type of knifemakers, but within their respective area they are thebest.
Folks, i thought perfection wassomething i would never find in a manmade object... until today. I received my DAKE Multi-Bar Twist Damascus foldertoday. I have always heard that if you look closely enough, you will find flawsin any custom knife, its just the nature of handmade things, and these flawsshould be considered to add "character" to the knife. I generallyagreed with this because if i look closely enough at a knife, or any object forthat matter, i will eventually find a flaw, most are trivial to be sure, somebarely visible to the naked eye, but present nonetheless. Folks, i LOOKED, andi LOOKED, and i LOOKED some more, i cannot find one, single flaw, nothing.Every beautifully made part fits flush, every grind flawless, every angle true,everything, absolutely PERFECT. I have searched my entire life for perfection,i never found it, i saw things that approached it, but never true perfection...until today, in this truly beautiful knife. I am one happy camper, and i fearwhere this is leading me, because if one perfect object can be found, possiblythere are others out there...
名刀匠Daniel Koster的回复:“Charlie Dake's Damascus knives are truly spectacular pieces of art. They areamazing!Count yourself among the luck ones to own one. Don't let it go.”