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本帖最后由 7100v 于 2013-3-27 13:17 编辑
楼主:橡木林 来自俄勒冈州波特兰市
(二),为啥我两眼一抹黑,是因为牛在天上飞?C156和我的个人品味也不是很契合。虽说C156尺寸分量都接近完美,不过我从来就不特别粉快开鳍和一体锁。我比较喜欢左右手都能用的刀,还经常调换背夹方向。假如C156没那么多吹捧的话,我可能不会像现在这样认真的考虑买它。其他还有些很符合我理想EDC条件的刀我也很YY啊,比如LE940,丸章工业 tactility。
Spyderco Southard: Excessive Praise and Hype? (Or: Purchase One Now!)
The flu isn't the only thing going around right now. Apparently, everyone and their cousin is scrambling to purchase a Southard Flipper. The scramble has left me feeling slightly bewildered and left in the proverbial dust.
Most threads and reviews throw enormous amounts of praise in the direction of the Southard. Objectively, the praise is well deserved. I struggle to think of a comparable folder (CTS204; flipper; titanium frame lock; 3.5 inch blade; around 4 ounces) for around the same price. I'm considering pulling the trigger on a Southard, largely due to its critical acclaim, but have a few major questions:
(1) Has anyone heard any word about the Southard going out of production or otherwise becoming unavailable anytime soon? My knife funds are depleted for several months (two recent purchases set me back around $300). For those of you who have followed Spyderco over the years, can you offer any predictions as to the cost (including secondary market value) of the Southard? I'd MUCH rather wait 3-4 months before purchasing the Southard or put funds toward LE's as they come available.
(2) Am I succumbing to excessive hype? The Southard does not sync well with my known knife preferences. Although it is around the perfect size and weight, I have never been a huge fan of flippers and frame locks. I enjoy being able to use a knife with both hands equally and frequently flip pocket clips around. If the Southard was not enjoying mythical praise, I would probably not given it extensive consideration. There are other knives I am coveting right now that meet my ideal EDC qualities (3.5-4.0" blade, fast action, ambidextrous, and around 4 ounces or less: LE 940, Mcusta Tactility).
(3) What arguments or criticisms exist against the Southard? The knife has received such lop-sided praise that it almost begs suspicion. |